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The first one to stay still long enough.


By Toto

The first one to stay still long enough. (Rana temporaria.)

Although I've seen others in the pond this year and have heard them croaking, this is the first frog I have managed to photograph. He did have a nose, honest.

Comments on this photo


Great shot Toto,..........time for the games to begin!!

15 Mar, 2009


Good photo, Toto :o)

15 Mar, 2009


Great to see.Do you usually get lots of frogspawn Toto?

15 Mar, 2009


Yes Bonkers I do but my Mirror carp usually eats the lot. This year it will be different. I'm going to put any spawn in a tank until the carp has been rehomed, then I'm going to put them back.

15 Mar, 2009


Good forward thinking Toto...sometimes nature needs a helping hand !

15 Mar, 2009


I just hope I'm doing the right thing. As far as the carp is concerned, I believe he should have a much larger pond and I would much rather have a pond where wildlife would have a chance of survival. If things go to plan then both will be achieved.

15 Mar, 2009


Did you have any luck finding your carp a new home Toto ? Feel sure you are doing the right thing...wildlife have such a hard time of it one way or another...: (

15 Mar, 2009


Our toads seem to be quite intelligent ... they have deposited their spawn mostly in the reeds, in the shallows away from the mirror carp ...

15 Mar, 2009


great shot

15 Mar, 2009


I'm hopeful, Bonkers. I was introduced to a lady yesterday who has a friend who has a very lage pond. Apparently it is about 30ft. long x 20ft wide and very deep. I am waiting for a call now to see if she will have the carp. She already has other fish so it shouldn't upset anything. Just keeping my fingers crossed now.
Dawnsaunt. When the tadpoles come it will be the worst time as they will not stay within the weed.

16 Mar, 2009


This is 1 thing i dont get Toto Frogs :( & 2 be honest im a little affraid of them lol But id still like some in my pond :)

19 Mar, 2009


Nothing to be afraid of Jacque. They are completely harmless, unless, that is you happen to be a slug, worm or fly. They are a very good friend of the gardener. All you need is a pond and your sure to end up with frogs.
Warning, if you want frogs to thrive, don't put fish in the pond. With a wildlife pond, all sorts of nature will adopt it. Dragon flies, newts, frogs, toads, great diving beetles and pond skaters to name but a few. Fish will eat the spawn, larvae and tadpoles.

19 Mar, 2009


Unfortunately we had a lot of spawn which was eaten by the mirror carp. The few tadpoles that did hatch, fell victim to the carp and the other fish.
As for your frogs, they look beautiful little creatures, I've seen them featured in your photos.
Even if the tadpoles do survive and emerge from the pond as froglets, the birds, especially the blackbirds love to eat them.
It's not an easy life being a frog in Essex.

19 Mar, 2009


Rrrrrrrrr Thanx 4 the Info Toto iv Fish in my Pond so now i know what im going to do with the Smaller Pond we took out last yr when we made my pond bigger :) Im going to set it up do behind my Laural Trees & make it Wildlife friendly Pond there withit :) Thanx for a Brill new Project toto :) x

19 Mar, 2009


I never mind finding others work Jacque.

19 Mar, 2009



19 Mar, 2009


Great close up Toto!

20 Mar, 2009


Thanks Pansy.

20 Mar, 2009


Great pic!

13 Feb, 2010


Tanks Skillen.

13 Feb, 2010

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This photo is of species Rana temporaria..

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