Male and Female Pine Grosbeaks
By Lori

19 Mar, 2009
If you look closely you will see ice crystals above their eyes and on their was minus 30 C.
Comments on this photo
They are lovely Lori, what are they? Two minutes later I know because they have a name - I'm sure that wasn't there when I asked the question.
19 Mar, 2009
Thanks TT... They are Pine Grosbeaks, Ginellie. These pics were taken sixteen years ago in Moosonee, Ontario, Canada, with an SLR (no digital then!!). The Male is bright red like a Cardinal but the female is that lovely bronze and gray. They are birds of the boreal forest...about the size of a North American Robin.
19 Mar, 2009
Lovely photo Lori
19 Mar, 2009
Beautiful Lori.
19 Mar, 2009
They are beautiful Lori...........
19 Mar, 2009
how can they survive in that sort of temperature Lori~alto' they do seem to have thick feathers~well done for looking after them!
19 Mar, 2009
Great photo............
19 Mar, 2009
They certainly know how to survive very cold!
19 Mar, 2009
Thanks everyone... these bird pics I scanned from photos taken with a Pentax SLR...It was borrowed from a friend and it took me awhile to get the "hang" of it....loved the telephoto lense...I was in my diningroom about 20 ft away and I could get up close and personal!! ...even see the ice on their nostrils and eyelids... at -40 deg.C. it is extemely cold... flesh will freeze with less than five minutes exposure... but these little birds came to my feeder and suet ball to get what they needed to survive. We use bird down in our warmest clothing...a down jacket or vest will keep you toasty at those terrible temps. Those little feathered creatures are marvels.
19 Mar, 2009
Nice shot!
19 Mar, 2009
lovely birds ..thank goodness they are made in don't think I have ever seen ice crystals on birds eyes before even in is a beautiful picture..
20 Mar, 2009
Fantastic Lori. Not sure they come all the way over here. They sound a large enough to be mentioned if they did. Great shot, I like the ambience of this (before digital) photo
21 Mar, 2009
Great photo Lori. Beautiful birds.
22 Mar, 2009
Thanks GZ, Cf, and Gilli..... Hello GT! nice to put a face to a name! I had forgotten about these pics, but found them as I was sorting for packing. Yes this was before the electronic revolution! Nice to have hard copy though!!
22 Mar, 2009
Sweet! poor things coping with those temperatures (we moan here if it drops below -5!!
23 Mar, 2009
Some of these little creatures wouldn't survive if it wern't for people like yourself Lori who take the time to feed and water them. I bashed up some peanuts (in a bag) with a hammer today for the birds. We have several blackbirds nesting around. They seem to like a few grapes and sunflower seeds.
24 Mar, 2009
cute birds great pic, brrrrr don't fancy the temp though LOL!
31 Mar, 2009
Yes, Caitio, they are marvels... makes humanity look kind of puny, doesn't it?
Lindak you must run the best bird snack bar in your area! peanuts, grapes and sunflower seeds...good menu...they also like nut cold weather they need a source of fat and well as protien.
Sewingkilla, these pics were taken in northern around the same latitude as London! what a difference an ocean current makes aye? The place I was living at the time was on the Arctic watershed...all the rivers ran north to James and Hudson Bay. These are birds of the boreal forest...there were also redpolls, sparrows, evening grosbeaks, finches, jays and chickadees...all birds that go into the cold summer the tiny yellow warbler nested in the swamp willows!
31 Mar, 2009
Fantastic shot Lori, just goes to show that newer isn't always better is it ? Maybe just more convenient, and user friendly, aye ! You've just reminded me of an old Nikon camera I used to have, manual every thing ..., manual focus, manual light adjustment. But boy when you got it all right, it took amazing pictures. Don't miss all the unwanted pics and film though. On second thought, maybe newer is at least alittle
10 Apr, 2009
Sooo true, Flcrazy! I love my little digital camera...actually was toying with the idea of a new one!...this one has been dropped...had water spilled on it... and lost in the snow!!! it sure is a trouper but I think it needs to retire!
11 Apr, 2009
Lovely pictures Lori...Oh, and thank you so much for introducing me to this's great :-)
8 May, 2009
Hello Louis! Is it not as I promised? ENJOY!
8 May, 2009
Yes Lori, and a big ***THANK YOU*** for asking me to join. I am enjoying it immensely.
8 May, 2009
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Cute pic. :o)
19 Mar, 2009