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Sparrow feeling peckish


By Milky

Sparrow feeling peckish

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Good photo. :o)

28 Mar, 2009


Fantastic shot Milky. Our sparrows seem to have deserted us this year. Always new they were flighty little devils.

28 Mar, 2009


aw ..lovely photo Milky

28 Mar, 2009


Thankyou all. At the moment Toto, we seem to have loads of sparrows but theLong Tailed Tits and Goldfinches have gone amiss...............Counted 13 Magpies as well up in the trees sussing out where the nests all are ready for baby snatching grrrrr

28 Mar, 2009


Pretty little bundle of feathers - I do like them.

28 Mar, 2009


Me too Gee, especially at the moment because they are flying around like crazy...................

28 Mar, 2009


Ohhh I just love this cheeky little sparrow, and this is a fab shot. Wish I had better luck with my garden birds soon as I set foot outside the're OFF!
Cheeky has gone on my favourites.

30 Mar, 2009


Ha ha , same here Pansy....These are shot from inside windows, on sports mode so I get one good shot and 5 rubbish ones............

30 Mar, 2009


Fab Action Photo :)

31 Mar, 2009


Thanks Jacque...............Dont know about action though, I sat for a long time to get this ha ha ha

31 Mar, 2009


Should have got Ray to do it then

31 Mar, 2009


HA say the funniest things..........

31 Mar, 2009


how close were you milky or have you got good camera? i was right below little robin other day but no camera handy, he sang to me, well thats how it seemed,great pic

4 Apr, 2009


It has got 12 times zoom on it, but I do have to use sport mode and scrap a lot of the pics, because of the shake when I use the zoom. This pic was taken about 15 feet away...A lot of times though, I spot them and I dont have the camera to hand.............

4 Apr, 2009


tell me about it milky, never have camera when needed, think i will treat myself to new camera, mine out of date only 4times zoom, great picture

5 Apr, 2009


Well I have to say that with the 12 times zoom, it can be annoying, as its so hard to stop the camera shake when its on full zoom. But mosy of the time its brilliant........

5 Apr, 2009

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