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" This is Ray in a rare moment"....AWAKE


By Milky

" This is Ray in a rare moment"....AWAKE

In view of recent comments, he he he, ...that sometimes....not often!...but sometimes......The eyes stay open a little while. ha ha ha ha ha

Comments on this photo


Hello Ray nice to see you wide awake....

3 Apr, 2009


Hello Ray, love your hat :-)

3 Apr, 2009


Hi Ray ! You can go back to sleep now :o)

3 Apr, 2009


Hello're looking a little tired there....maybe time for a nap!

3 Apr, 2009


He is snoring as I type............Lol..............

3 Apr, 2009


Sorry it didnt last Maureen, lol. I bet he was up early this morning though - they say you can't burn the candle at both ends .... Bless him

3 Apr, 2009


Hi have a great sense of humour mate ! LOL

3 Apr, 2009


Shhhhh BB, he doesn't know about the other photos of him sleeping etc. lol

3 Apr, 2009


Oops..shhhh...sorry..! Lol

3 Apr, 2009


Hi Ray, Your laughing at us arent you LoL...

3 Apr, 2009


I would like to say that he has seen every photo I have put on here, and he has called me a few names, some not very nice , other down right rude, but he has had a good laugh . He might not have many teeth left cos of too much chocolate but his sense of humour is brilliant

3 Apr, 2009


: )..He is a diamond Milky !

3 Apr, 2009


Yes Bonkers...He is................

3 Apr, 2009


Are you sure he's not wearing glasses with eyes painted on them, so he looks awake? My grandson had some like that!

3 Apr, 2009


No Gee he is awake....He is waiting for food ......then he will be gone again ha ha ha ha ha ..............

3 Apr, 2009


He's awake! That's exactly what I thought when I saw the pic, lol. Oh, poor Ray...we do have a good laugh looking at his sleeping photos :)

3 Apr, 2009


A day later.... and he's still awake.... :o)

4 Apr, 2009


On the ELO theme Milky - not so sure about Sweet talking woman - suggest you listen to Evil woman ! lol

4 Apr, 2009


Hello Ray you look such a cheerful chappy , pass that bottle of wine over , a nice glass will make you feel all nice and dozy then you can go back to sleep .. LOL..

4 Apr, 2009


Ooooh've cut me to the quick........he he he ......Amy he is a very cheerful chappy, and TT, this was still at the table, once he moved.....well. And Tasteyg.....he says to say that he's happy that he can make so many ladies smile.........Lol

4 Apr, 2009


i can sence you are both truely happy together, so nice,

4 Apr, 2009


Ray, you are a saint amongst men. Not many would put up with her.

4 Apr, 2009


Oi Toto.....not some much of the her he he he .......

4 Apr, 2009


Sorry Milky, I forgot we are Essex. Should "ave" spelt it "er".

5 Apr, 2009


Ha ha ha ......So I should Fink................

5 Apr, 2009



Your hubby finally gets a say if he wants to be photographed. lol!

8 Apr, 2009


Occasionaly Andy he he he

8 Apr, 2009


Is the hat a permanent fixture Milky? He seems to be wearing it in the background of your photo too! Very fetching!

8 Apr, 2009


Ha Tosh.....He would like it to be. He was wearing it behind me, but I cut him out as he was pulling a face at me.........wonder why?......... ha ha ha

8 Apr, 2009

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