The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

Balcony framed


By Balcony

Balcony framed

A photo of the balcony in a frame (From 2006)

Comments on this photo


awwwwwwww it is beautiful Balcony.

6 Apr, 2009


Welcome to GoY. :o)
This is a pretty photo.

6 Apr, 2009


Welcome to GOY! This is right up my alley. Well done. A really lovely balcony, B. :-)

6 Apr, 2009



6 Apr, 2009


oh come on.... yours looks like a balcony garden ....not a jungle!!! LOL
very pretty :o)

3 Oct, 2009


It may have looked like a balcony garden back in 2006 when I took this photo but now in 2009 it IS a jungle!

5 Oct, 2009


Today I asked Peter to create a new GoYpedia category for me to edit called Balconies... and yours is the first pic. to go on it :o)

9 Dec, 2009


woohoooooooooooo I'm standing on line... :P:P

9 Dec, 2009


Thanks, TT! It came as real surprise to open my inbox & discover this nomination! I'd been without an internet connection, which only affected my computer, (not my wife's) for several days until I finally discovered the problem & got my connection back.

Aleyna I'm afraid I don't understand your post above. Could you enlighten me?

The balcony at this moment looks terrible with plants dying but not quite dead yet. I couldn't afford to buy any new plants for the balcony this year so I'm left with the few bulbs that stayed in from last year. I really don't have room to grow winter/spring plants from seed on my balcony. Seeds sown late winter/early spring have space but the summer planting precludes any seeds for winter plants.

12 Dec, 2009


Hi Balcony...
The GoYpedia Balcony category is currently quite new... and until I find further pics, it is made up entirely of your balcony and Aleyna's balcony. Lots of your pics on there... take a look... Lol. :o)

12 Dec, 2009


Just had a look & have been commenting on some of the photos!

Thanks once again. As you can probably imagine I could fill it with 100s of photos of my balcony alone!!! ;-) LOL!

P.S. There ARE already several 100 on my photos page already! nudge, nudge. Lol!

12 Dec, 2009


If there are any which you would especially like included please let me a GoYpedia editor, I find it difficult that members are not allowed to nominate their own pics... so identifying them is a complicated process. If any of the pics you would like added are those on which I have already made comments, then add a comment saying "this one"... and I'll pick those up off my home page. Thanks :o)

12 Dec, 2009


Thanks but I was joking about being able to fill the new category with photos of my balcony alone!

12 Dec, 2009


I put on GoYpedia some of those I liked best from your photos pages, but seriously, please indicate any you think deserve a place which I've missed. And also which balcony blogs ? Thanks.:o)

12 Dec, 2009


wow, that's something special.

5 Jul, 2011


Glad you liked my handiwork, Franl! :-)) I got the frame from a photo editing programme I used to have on my old computer. I no longer recall its name but I used several different frames to "Frame" my photos!

I don't know why I framed this one as it was of the autumn planting of Wallflowers - unfinished! LOL!

5 Jul, 2011

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