Daughters cat
By Olblueyes
- 12 Apr, 2009
Visiting daughters cat, he is normaly a house cat so this is quite a treat for him to have the run of my garden.
Comments on this photo
very nice cat does he stay in the garden?
12 Apr, 2009
Hi Holly,
Surprisingly yes, he is very well behaved. He follows me round when I am tidying up and chases leaves etc but does not stray too far.
He is only just twelve months old and has six claws on his front paws so I suppose he is a bit of a freak.
12 Apr, 2009
Great blue eyes :)
12 Apr, 2009
Did you take your name from him or the old crooner himself, Beautiful cat, I must add i like the colour of the bench in the background,
12 Apr, 2009
Beautiful cat....Love the eyes.
14 Apr, 2009
Hi Funkyfuchia,
The bench is painted in Dulux "Jade" an old tin I found in the garage, I got fed up with Teak oiling it twice a year, just too much like hard work.
16 Apr, 2009
Lovely cat. Wonderful eyes. The postman saw my cat in the next road yesterday and told me so I got a bit worried and wondered whether to go around there to get her back but later on in the day she returned as if nothing had happened.
21 Apr, 2009
hi OBE he is a lovely cat , he does look very surprised about something, the extra claws is strange . .. you should teach him piano!
22 Apr, 2009
I love your daughter's cat. I love cats and I think he's exceptionally beautiful.
Cats and gardens go so well together !
29 May, 2009
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Photogenic cat, and pretty flowers :o)
12 Apr, 2009