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The Hothouse is Open!

The Hothouse is Open!

Halleluyah, halleluyah, Halle aa lu yah! Perrenial babies in front then osteos, impatients and fuschias and on and on..... Oh, its like heaven!

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hip hip hooray........ you have such a lot of plants in have waited sooo long...;-))

13 Apr, 2009


Wow, what a lot.....

13 Apr, 2009



Is this a nursery where you purchase your plants?

13 Apr, 2009


soooooooooooo many...

13 Apr, 2009


What a lot of goodies.

13 Apr, 2009


Your a Happy bunny

13 Apr, 2009


~Don't buy too many~ where will you put them!

13 Apr, 2009


lol...This is Holmtown Nursery. The first to have open doors on the hothouse. It was like winter just blew away and summer was right around the corner! I'd love a house like this. :-) I tried going to the one down my street, there were people easter hunting in the road, couldn't get

13 Apr, 2009


Arlene, spring doesn't happen outside, so the house really fills up now! We go straight into summer. It spring temp now, but still so much snow on the ground.

13 Apr, 2009


~when will you be able to plant outside GT~will you buy now and keep them indoors or~ could you make a polytunnel with some strong polythene ?

13 Apr, 2009


Wow! What a smorgasborg!!

13 Apr, 2009


First week in June is the real safe. I collect in the house until I can take them out. I think polytunnel would be perfect. I'm already brainstorming. I might dig out the beds from the snow and cover them. They are alreay framed up. The cold frames just need their lids. :-) All frames and plastic.

GG, It was like stepping into heaven, a rich array of fresh things brought together. This nursery is in a new format now, the main spring hothouse used to be the store. They built a new store next to it, with an open way between the two. It was beautiful.

14 Apr, 2009


Oh how wonderful that must have been for you...I went to the nursery yesterday looking for New Dawn roses...none potted up yet! will have to keep checking, but just walking through the greenhouse was a heavenly experience...I love the smell ...mmmmmm....warm earth and photosynthesis!!! Get the plastic on as soon as you can...every little bit helps release the frost from the ground. I have scraps of the black poly pond liner and it really works well...I keep moving them from spot to spot as it is completely occlusive, if it was left on too long in the full sun, it would cook what was underneath! Happy for you GT...

19 Apr, 2009


~if you can get some strong bendable wire and some heavyweight clear/opaque polythene maybe a heavyweight stapler will hold it in place~the plants above are in a type of commercial polytunnel?

19 Apr, 2009


Thanks Lori, it was wonderful. Anyone that knows what their about get in now and snatch up the rareties. The whole back house were roses getting started back up. This is the place that tests the most perrenials and shrubs over winter so you know what you'll get. It was about 90F and sooo humid. Just wonderful. I'm thinking of digging out the beds today. My protected pods of azalea are poking right out.

That is what I was thinking Arlene. I stopped at a nursery on the way to the hardware store. Never made it there! :-) I am putting in a greenhouse and should have it up in a few weeks. Just frame and plastic, but it'll be wonderous!

19 Apr, 2009


~great GT ~that will extend your growing area and give you a chance to bring plants on!

19 Apr, 2009


I just can't wait! This house full for four years is getting a little old. :-) I'll post some black grass later today, doing well but just slightly larger. :-)

19 Apr, 2009


Is such interesting thinking only indoors planting....
I agree with Arlene... be careful buying
You will need a map to find your bed...GT... lol

19 Apr, 2009


Definately a nature path right now. :-)

20 Apr, 2009


Well greenthumb. if you are going buying I dont expect you will have much time to talk to your friends on here so we will see you in the winter lol Happy gardening
regards Ann

20 Apr, 2009


I can sure get lost out Once my greenhouse is up, they'll be hard pressed to get me back in at all. I'll always have to catch up with GOY. :-)

20 Apr, 2009


Ooooh I can breathe in the scents and the humid warm air from here! Bet you can't wait to get them in the ground. We wait 'til mid May to be safe (hopefully).

20 Apr, 2009


June 1 here Elke. I put out cold frames so I can push it a little. Last year frosted right through first week of June. I really hope this year is warm!

20 Apr, 2009

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