Acer japonicum 'Kujaku nishiki'
By Dansgrdn

6 Mar, 2008
Has foliage like 'Aconitifolium' , but with brushed in varieagation. This is its Fall coloration.
Comments on this photo
6 Mar, 2008
Amazing color ....I WANT one too..!!!!!
7 Mar, 2008
OMGosh .... I have just fallen in love with a tree!!!! This acer is totally overthetop gorgeous. I am going to go online to see if I can find it in one of the privately-owned nurseries in New Zealand, where I live.
21 Sep, 2011
Pictures by dansgrdn
17 of 148
What else?
Featured on: japanese maple acer trees
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That is glorious!! My hubby is not going to thank you for posting this though Dan! He'll be dragged in to look at this as soon as he gets in from work while I whine "I want one of THESE"
It might work though so keep posting lol
6 Mar, 2008