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Passion Flower

Passion Flower (Passiflora incarnata (Maypops))

I have it growing over an arch at the top of my stairs and over the most beautiful (NOT!) chain link fence between myself and my neighbour, which I am trying to hide, but my neighbour likes straight lines and empty fencing. Taken last year

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Fabulous and just right for Easter, the Passionflower...........

13 Apr, 2009


one of my favorites lovely flower

13 Apr, 2009


Hi Clematiscrazy, Many thanks for your kind thoughts. I'm glad you liked your tour of my garden. I used to have one of these passiflora, same variety I think, climbing over my photinia hedge. I had to have it out as it was a really big monster. It needs room, at lots of it. Kindest regards, JONATHAN H.

14 Apr, 2009


I have baby passion flowers growing in pots from a fruit given to me last autumn, so I've no idea what the flowers will look like. I'll keep in mind Jonathan's reminder that they need LOTS of space...

19 Apr, 2009


this is marvelous, makes me glad to be alive

24 Apr, 2010

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This photo is of "Passion Flower" in Clematiscrazy's garden

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