By Talljim

9 Mar, 2008
Deer come to my yard every night to eat the bird feed on the ground, and tip the sunflower bird feeders with their heads to get the sunflowers. In the summer, they love my garden. I, sometimes, see 9 deer at one time.
Comments on this photo
Your deer seem a lot tamer than the ones in my locality.They are very elusive here.
17 Apr, 2008
Beautiful, seems quite inquisitive.
24 Jun, 2008
aw hes so cute
19 Jul, 2008
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Bee Nesting Box With Zinc Roof
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Suet Pellets 1kg Buy 3, Pay For 2!
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Suet Pellets With Berries 1kg Buy 3, Pay For 2!
£8.99 at Ferndale Lodge
Awwwww - what a cutie - just look at those big doe eyes......... ;-)
10 Mar, 2008