Canada Geese, gleaning the stubble...
By Lori

27 Apr, 2009
This is a lean time for the birds and they fly great distances...there is a sanctuary in the area...but every spring and fall they fly in their long straggling Vees.
Comments on this photo
We already have a ton of them on the lake. Alot came in early March. I think some of them never
4 May, 2009
~we do have lot of them over here now that don't leave.Coming home from London on Saturday evening we passed a field of about 30 of them right next to the motorway.
4 May, 2009
We get the Canada geese flying over here in great numbers and V formations in the late Autumn and Spring. Migratery flight me thinks. We do get some that live on the river down the road during the Spring till Autumn time. I hear them calling to one another chatting whilst they are in flight. I think that it's wonderful.
4 May, 2009
Yes harbingers of the changing seasons...most definitely ...there are some urban parks in some of our cities who are trying to discourage the geese...I'm sure we've all heard the old chestnut about how fast something goes thro a goose! well they leave a lot of it around..and it's a bit unsanitary... Great that you remarked on their "talking" as they fly, Lindak, They fly so low over my house that I can hear the leader saying "Pick up the pace George...I have a hot date in Ottawa tonight!". lol.
4 May, 2009
I have put a photo of a pair with babies taken in Kew Gardens on Saturday afternoon in my blog 17~also saw this Golden Pheasant which was attracting a lot of interest but appeared totally unconcerned!
4 May, 2009
They look like "lesser" Canada geese, with their short necks, so you know IT goes through a little faster than a long neck goose, hehe, hee!!
4 May, 2009
LOL...Doon... "lesser" or "greater" the "end" result is the same!!!
5 May, 2009
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Ah, you've got them! They are a spring sign here on their way to the north slope to nest. They come when the ground is showing. I hear they have been sighted in Tok.
27 Apr, 2009