By Gee19

28 Apr, 2009
This bush is about 6-7' high and is covered in these little purple flowers.
Comments on this photo
The flowers are tiny but pretty...
28 Apr, 2009
Lovely,I like the colour
28 Apr, 2009
Wow I have never seen any flowers on my Pittosporam, how long have you had yours Gee? love the colour of the flowers against the foilage.
28 Apr, 2009
Beautiful. Do they have a heady scent?
28 Apr, 2009
It looks so healthy Gee , I think mine is dying the leaves are very yellow , it about 8ft tall :o(
28 Apr, 2009
I've had this plant for about 6 years I think, PP, although its tall is not very wide, like a column really. I haven't noticed any scent, GG, but I will have a close sniff in the morning :).
28 Apr, 2009
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I like this.
28 Apr, 2009