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Near Home where the Herons and Eagles Soar

Near Home where the Herons and Eagles Soar

this is part of the Bluff, where the great blue herons and bald eagles soar and build their nests. The eagles soar in the thermals.
This is about 5 mins from where we live.

Comments on this photo have some interesting wildlife there Alandra......I can almost feel the fresh sea breeze looking at this!

3 May, 2009


Oh Im so envious of the environment you live in, to have all that wonderful wildlife on your doorstep must be magical!

3 May, 2009


thankyou both, Janey and Pansypotter. You are right about the fresh breeze, Janey! Sometimes we get very strong winds here, as this area where we live is surrounded on 3 sides by ocean :) The bald eagles love it tho', - we watch them soaring overhead, - not seeming to move, just side slipping thru the sky, -- they cover a huge distance in such a short time, without seeming to flap a wing, and vanish from view - the thermals keep them airborne, -- the other day there were 3 of them, all just "hanging" there in the sky above me as I sat out front, trying to get some hummingbird photos. The eagles were too high to get photos of any clarity, altho of course, always give it a try, hoping and hoping. Sometimes the eagles do fly quite low over the house tho', have seen some juveniles do that quite often (no camera handy at the time, tho', of course).

3 May, 2009


Pansypotter, we do appreciate having all this wonderful wildlife so close by. Just wish I'd got into the photography sooner. But better late than never and we are certainly enjoying being able to do this now that we're retired.

3 May, 2009

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