Fledgling blackbird.
By Bonkersbon

5 May, 2009
More attitude in blog ..
Comments on this photo
Awwwwwwwwww so cuddly!
5 May, 2009
sweety pie,, awwwww
5 May, 2009
Awwwww, hope the cats leave him alone BB, I worry so much about the Fledglings in my garden because of the neighbours cats :(
5 May, 2009
Thanks for all your kind comments.
Dee ...this pic taken Saturday...last seen flying around churchyard like a good un ! : )
5 May, 2009
I,m pleased to hear that BB ... stray cats are a pest in our garden , it,s a worry because the birds take no notice of our old cat , she walks between them and they only step aside for her !
5 May, 2009
Lol Amy...this does seem to happen when cats become eldery.Been there seen that done the other ! Cant be bothered !
5 May, 2009
Hahahaha Amy.. Poor Cat, lost his street cred :)
5 May, 2009
Wonderful pic Bonkers.
5 May, 2009
What a hefty little guy, great photo!
5 May, 2009
Thanks Toto..the budget mealworms from Wilkos going down a treat ! Can you imagine feding live ones to this lot ? How much would that cost !! Lol !
5 May, 2009
I took your advice Bonkers. The robin. starling and blackbirds are all feeding well on re-hydrated mealworms now.
5 May, 2009
Aye Toto...so are ours.......what a rip off in garden centres...Wilkos certainly came up trumps !
5 May, 2009
Aw....little plumpie......I love him!
5 May, 2009
He is a beaut Janey !
5 May, 2009
awww how cute is he
6 May, 2009
Just beautiful. Hope he keeps safe. I thought my birds were safe from my cat Jess now as she's 16 years old but she caught a mouse yesterday, :( Still life in the old girl, lol. By the way the mouse escaped when she dropped it :(
7 May, 2009
Safe and sound Dawn...flying around the churchyard this evening without a care in the world ! Then back to the pond for a drink ! Joined by 3 more fledglings today .
Glad the mouse escaped !
7 May, 2009
Sounds just harmonious BB. Hope its not too windy for them tonight. Can you imagine how many birds you'll have year on year.
7 May, 2009
OMG...will both have to take on another job just to fed them all ! Lol
7 May, 2009
It must be nice to be popular, lol. Do you remember when we were scraping away the ice each morning so we could feed the birds!
7 May, 2009
Dont remind me...amazing that they also wanted to bathe in the icy water of the pond ! In a rush to get to work n the mornings pouring ketles full of hot water on the pond so there was a bathing hole !
7 May, 2009
I remember the freezing cold baths they took - seeing was believing, lol.
7 May, 2009
Yes and they loved it ! Brrrrrrrrrrrr !
7 May, 2009
Blimey, it will be freezing cold again before we know it, lol.
7 May, 2009
Shhhhhhhhhhhhhh !
7 May, 2009
Ha ha. Let's hope we get the predicted good summer.
7 May, 2009
If we do our ponds will be in even greater demand ! Lol !
7 May, 2009
Yes - all those lovely dragon flies to look forward to seeing :)
7 May, 2009
:) : )
7 May, 2009
What a cutie pie....! You keep feeding them so well, they are going to become so heavy they can't fly away. Ah Hah, I've figured out your plan, didn't I ?....lol
9 May, 2009
He he you got me there secrets out .. so fat they cant fly and I ll just walk up and photo them ! The parents should be a bit happier though they ve used hessian sack from the aquatic plants moss from the lawn then pulled out creeping jenny from the pond whilst nice and wet to stitch the nest together.
To then bathe and feed here they might well lose the power of flight cos dont really need to go anywhere else lol !
9 May, 2009
The lucky little devils have found paradise, and shouldn't have a desire to go anywhere. They are smart enough to know a great thing when they've found it !
10 May, 2009
So sweet.
10 May, 2009
Great photo. I saw one in a churchyard next to a headstone hiding, took a photo but it didn't turn out very good.
11 May, 2009
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SSSsssooooooo Cutttttteeeeeee :)
5 May, 2009