Whats going on out there?
By Pansypotter
- 6 May, 2009
This is a picture of my friends new cat Georgie, so cute couldnt resist showing him to you!
Comments on this photo
Great Shot of such a Sweet Looking Cat :)
6 May, 2009
awwww so cute.
isnt it a bit unfair tho that the ads down the side of this page are for cat repellent lol
6 May, 2009
Thanks Terra, Jacque,
and Irish [didnt notice the adds, you are right! lol]
6 May, 2009
lol, good point there Irish.
I'm sure nobody would want to repel this sweetie!
6 May, 2009
He's been watching too much Meerkat Mountain on TV. What was he watching? Great photo.
6 May, 2009
Yeah TT i thought that, half cat half meercat hahaha, hes sooo cute..
6 May, 2009
Ha Ha I wonder what he was looking at , he looks completely puzzled :o)
6 May, 2009
Ha..ha he reminds me of that Mr. Meercat on the advert...Lol Very pretty coat looks like he'll have long silky fur Pp..........
6 May, 2009
Adorable pose!
6 May, 2009
Thanks all he is so very cute that I wish he would come and live with me!
7 May, 2009
awwww so cute,, dont often see then up like that,, had h seen something or was he just showing off lol
20 May, 2009
Thanks Sandra,
20 May, 2009
ha ha so funny and cute cat
4 Aug, 2009
Thanks Jade a Mere Cat.com!
4 Aug, 2009
Seemples !! haha Lovely picture !
25 Aug, 2009
I love it. gone on my faves!
8 Dec, 2009
Thanks Sue and Silken, guess he is all grown up now ;0)
8 Dec, 2009
i'm a fan too. What an unusual eye colour and coat mix. Going on my faves too. :o)
7 Jan, 2010
Thanks loobee
7 Jan, 2010
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VERY cute :o)
... compare with meerkats. Lol.
6 May, 2009