Laburnam Adamii
By Janey

8 May, 2009
One of only 4 flowers, but lovely even so....:o)
Comments on this photo
what a rareity
8 May, 2009
beautiful janey, not seen one before
8 May, 2009
Lets hope you have lots more flowers next year Janey , they are worth waiting for :o)
8 May, 2009
Pink one on me too .Gorgeous.
8 May, 2009
I didn't know you could get them in that colour Janey. It's beautiful :o)
8 May, 2009
No I didn't till we wanted a new tree when we came here a couple of years ago and I saw this one. I fancied a golden one, but they can get quite big, so I looked through the Tree book at the Garden Centre and this one which is a mixture of the golden Laburnam and pink Broom, could have Yellow, purple or a mixture of both blossoms all on the same tree...........but the mixture is in the flowers and they are this pretty peach colour Lol! It's taken 2 years to get it a decent shape so I'm leaving it now.......hopefully more flowers next year....:o)
9 May, 2009
I,m going to a garden and plant show at the Norfolk show ground today Janey , this is one I shall be looking for .. I doubt if they will have one !
9 May, 2009 have a lovely day Amy......hope you can find one!...:o)
9 May, 2009
They didn,t have one Janey , we had a lovey day , I bought a couple of other shrubs that i,m looking forward to seeing bloom , one is a Weiglia , it,s called Strawberry 'N' Cream as it has pink and cream flowers on it , the other I don,t think will flower for a long time as it was only a baby , they had a mummy plant to show you what it would look like , it had large red bell type flowers hanging from it called Crinodendron Hookerianum ..if it ever flowers i will put a pic. of it on :o)
I think your lovely Laburnam is rare , we called at another nursery on our way home , they have a reputation for having most things , they hadn,t ever seen one .... I will keep looking !
I have a dreadful confession to make to you , the Korean beauty has died , at least at has dissappeared .. I,m not sure how or why , I have noticed that the pheasants have started to peck at anything , also we only have to leave the gate open for a while and the rabbits come in , we have chicken wire along the bottom of the gate to stop them coming under , I should have put some protection round it while it was still small , I,m so sorry , I feel really bad about it ..:o(
9 May, 2009
Really pretty Janey, not seen one before.
10 May, 2009
Pp....the blossom close-up is pretty....but the tree itself will be much more attractive with more blossoms....:o)
Amy....your Weigela sounds very pretty and the flowers look like tiny hot air and yellow?? I must admit when I've googled the Laburnum theres very little info and only a few trees in parks etc. When we bought it there were two to choose from, next time I go I'll see if they have any more....:o)
Never mind about the Korean Beauty.....mine is still okay but not the strongest of growers (looks a bit weedy really Lol....if and when it flowers I'll post a pic). Aw...don't worry about it Amy....I don't think they are so attractive, I just had so many...ha..ha. Had a look today at my Verbena Bonariensis and it's growing really well now, i'ts at the base of the Laburnam so hopefully will have those lovely mauve flowers later.
It's difficult when you have rabbits coming in issn't it? At our old house we used to have a veggie plot which was always shorn by rabbits, we could only grow things they didn't like Lol!
10 May, 2009
Yes the flowers are like a hot air balloon Janey , I expect it will be a long time before I have any flowers !
I googled your Laburnum and found that wyevale have them , but the picture they put on wasn,t as pretty as yours some of the flowers still looked yellow , maybe it was just the picture not showing it very well , I will ask next time I go to a Wye vale ! ..
The Rabbits don,t seem to come in when we are at home to much , but if I leave the gate open if I am going to the shop in the car , i,m lazy and can,t be bothered to shut it for a few mins. Lol .. it,s one of those 5 bar iron farm gates .... the track leading down to us is full of rabbits , baby ones as well at the moment ..
Our old dog use to chase them out Lol ...
11 May, 2009
Wow - beautiful
11 May, 2009
That is an unusual tree......very nice though.
11 May, 2009
just seen this now , its gorgeous
13 May, 2009
13 May, 2009
I have been buying mini wisteria and purple and white hardenbergia and purple and pink everlasting sweet pea all with similar flowers~ if you do find any more Janey I would love to know if you don't mind ~I would love one!
I see the Wyevalew site shows sprays of yellow and pink/purple on the same tree I assume yours hasn't done that ?
14 May, 2009
That is beautiful. I had no idea you could get them in different colours. You must be chuffed to bits....
14 May, 2009
Thanks for your lovely comments everyone.....wish the little tree could hear them and produce more flowers ....Lol!
Welcome to GoY is unusual and a lucky dip as to how the flowers are coloured on this type as it's a mixture of Broom and Laburnum.
Hi Arlene.....when I visit the garden centre again I'll ask the girls there where it came from...there were two when we bought this, a couple of years ago. I thought maybe the flowers would either be purple or yellow or a mixture but they are all peach with an overtone of yellow here and there. I'm happy with it now it's a decent shape.......:o)
14 May, 2009
That really is special - and thanks for for all the useful information - now I just have to find the right spot for one!
24 May, 2009
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This photo is of species Laburnocytisus Adamii.
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