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Pieris Forest Flame


By Janey

Pieris Forest Flame (Pieris formosa)

Even though this has faded from the brilliant early Spring Red shade, it's just as beautiful with the softer tones....:o)

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Yes i agree There Janey it looks wonderful :)Iv 2 in Pots which are doing well In Full Sun :)

8 May, 2009


Lovely colours...

8 May, 2009


It has good all year round colours . a colour for all seasons :o)

8 May, 2009


I think it looks nicer like that.

8 May, 2009


Do you Hywel?.....I love them bright red when it's early Spring and you're waiting for SOME colour in your garden....but this added bonus that they fade to colours that go with other flowers is great! Thats a lovely one you have!

9 May, 2009


Yes I think this looks really nice :o)
I find bright red rather garish. I preffer paler colours.

9 May, 2009


I love vivid colours in a shady spot or against very dark foliage.....and tumbling red geraniums....ooh you could be anywhere in the sun....saying that the Swifts are back and flying over my garden today...I love the call they make!..........:o)

9 May, 2009


I agree vivid colours can look nice. It isn't that I don't like them, but I like paler ones a bit more.
I saw a swallow yesterday. I remember when I was little and went to bed when it was still light, My father used to show me the swifts and swallows through the bedroom window.
I used to say I didn't want to go to bed in the daytime but I didn't realise it was about 10 at night. lol.

9 May, 2009


Things are so magical when you're small aren't they....I can just picture your Father pointing out the swifts and swallows over the Welsh hills...........:o). We used to visit my Uncle and Auntie who lived in a tiny country cottage and we would play down the lane till dusk with the bats flitting around our heads.......there was a sweet shop down there too called Mr. Bonnifaces......such an old fashioned sounding name, we could get a cone of rainbow drops for a halfpenny and he had fabulous sweet watches and by the time you got back there would be stripes of sticky colour around our necks and wrists.....Lol!!

9 May, 2009


Ah ! I remember those sweet watches. So many memories - one thing reminds me of another, and then I'm back to 10 yrs old again. - Mind you I haven't grown up much more than 10 in my mind anyway. lol

10 May, 2009 neither Hywel.......:o)

10 May, 2009



10 May, 2009


Looking at your pictures in reverse order so you have just answered my question regarding red to pink! I rather like both colours.

10 May, 2009


Yes so do I Pp..........there's another one in the sunny side of the garden which started out as red but faded to's really lovely. They're all from Morrisons last year and as we don't have particularly acid soil have been great!

10 May, 2009

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