Pink Lupin
By Jacque

18 May, 2009
Comments on this photo
pretty pink......mine will be out soon........
18 May, 2009
Wow your border looks packed Jacque , the lupins are great :o)
18 May, 2009
Absolutely lovely. My lupins won't be at this stage for at least another week, and then only with luck.
18 May, 2009
18 May, 2009
How on earth do you keep the slugs off them everytime I plant them they disappear over night, just planted some today will be very susprised if they are still there in the morning lol
19 May, 2009
This is This Lupins second yr @ Flowering & has many more Flowers than last :)U best post some Pics Holly when yours open 2so i can see their Colours :)Most of the Plants u see Amy are 1s iv grrown myself & saved money by doing so :)Glad u like it Eileen :) Like i Suggested on your Lupin Pic PP I Place a Good Dept of Builders Sharp Sand around My Lupins Base :)
19 May, 2009
I love the scent of lupins, my mother used to have them down both side of the orchard, I must sow some! you have inspired me with yours !
19 May, 2009
Scent!!! They Have Sent??? Goodness i must have a Sniff tomorw if the Rains stopped ,Thanx 4 that Info Lil :)
19 May, 2009
My youngest daughter loves these, they give a nice show
23 May, 2009
I never have any luck with these, Noticed a lot on sale in our local Garden Centre, ready for the Bank Holiday.
23 May, 2009
So beautiful!
25 May, 2009
Thanx All :) It now has many More New Flowers that have opened :)
26 May, 2009
So Jacque, have you noticed the scent ?!
1 Jun, 2009
I did have a sniff Lil but no perfume from mine :/
1 Jun, 2009
back in the 'good olde days' they used to have a distinct smell ......sob!
1 Jun, 2009
:/ Iv missed out then Lil :(
1 Jun, 2009
they look absolutely lovely, i've just brought some red ones for my garden and keeping my fingers crossed the slugs will keep away. Out of interest what is the orange plant in the background to the right?
10 Apr, 2012
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OK, Jacque, so now I've just turned green with envy :) Beautiful lupin and more in the background.
18 May, 2009