The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

For question about bad corner


By Lori

For question about bad corner

Photo by J. Glover, of garden design by Hiroshi Nanamori, published in The Water Garden Encyclopedia, by P. Swindells... wanted to point out the use of pea gravel with mounding mosses!

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I'm lost. If this is a bad corner then please send me a dozen. I'll take them off your hands for a very small fee.

23 May, 2009


LOL...Oh I do wish it was my garden too, Toto! I was suggesting to Sanbaz that she could do something similar with Scot or Irish Moss in clumps under her Sycamore, in her "bad corner"... I love H. Nanamori's design too. Some might say that japanese style is severe...but I think it is just perfect!

23 May, 2009


It may well be severe, but it's just another way of looking at things. I think that in the right place it is just lovely.

23 May, 2009


Very true, Toto... I like to portray the elements as they do...and I use stones and vegetation juxtaposed..but I'm not disciplined enough to embrace the pure style! It's this love I have for colour and barely contained chaos that defeats me. lol.

24 May, 2009


This is so lovely Lori!

28 May, 2009


Thank Pollyannaever! but I can't take the oriental style though, aye?
nice to hear from you again! How are things in the Wild Wild West?

30 May, 2009



This is very formal looking...I wish my garden looked so neat! : > )

11 Jun, 2009


Oh so do I, Delonix1!! I love to look at the formal perfection of a Japanese garden...I like to adopt some of the features...symbols of earth, sea and mountain...but ...only in small pockets...the rest of my garden looks like "an explosion in a paint factory!"

11 Jun, 2009

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