By Muddywellies

17 Mar, 2008
After leaving your vehicle these alstroemeria, euphorbia and geranium varieties offer a warm welcome.
Comments on this photo
Such a wonderful combination of colors.
17 Mar, 2008
For those into colour theory, this works because you have three contrasting colours - orange (red and yellow), purple (red and blue) and green (blue and yellow). To me, this is much more refreshing than all those -oh-so-tasteful soft pink, pale blue and white gardens you see so often (what I call 'posh ladies' gardens) - apologies if that is what you've got and I've offended you!
As I always say, grow what YOU want to grow - if you want to put pink petunias next to orange marigolds - do it.
17 Mar, 2008
Agreed. A lot of people wont even have anything orange in their gardens - such a shame, they're really missing out. It's just Horticultural Snobbery me thinks!!!
18 Mar, 2008
Great to see such zinging colours.Orange, purple and blue look so good together.
20 Mar, 2008
Eremurus and Ligularia too? Why the prejudice against orange?'s my favourite colour. along with blue, yellow, white, red, GREEN, ETC. lol.
30 Mar, 2008
Thank you everyone. I love these plants. What makes nature's show all the more amazing to me is that right now, all these colourful plants are around two inches high (beginning April) and by the end of the month I shall have colour. The geraniums of course are chopped down and come again later, while the alstroes are followed by rudbeckia and heleniums among others.
You had me there Lori for a mo 'cause I know there are no liggies here. The yellow spires are verbascums. Out of picture on the left are honeysuckles, clematis, roses, kolkwitzia etc.
2 Apr, 2008
20 May, 2008
I just bought two Verbascum chaixii 'Sixteen Candles' love the "yellow spires".
22 May, 2008
i love your garden muddy....
10 Jul, 2009
Beautiful set of colors in this border.
And in the background I notice different kinds of alstroemerias. I like them before all.
8 Jan, 2011
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Featured on: border ideas alstroemeria
This photo was taken at Winsford Walled Gardens.
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Beautiful Colours:)
17 Mar, 2008