The Garden Community for Garden Lovers


Camassia_cuisickii (Camassia cuisickii)

Camassia cuisickii provides a brilliant flush of electric blue in the garden during late spring/early summer. It's also very easy and does not suffer rotting off in my heavy soil.

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Super Blue Muddywellys:)

19 Mar, 2008


That's a very beautiful plant - is it fully hardy? Don't think I've come across it before. How tall is it, Muddywellies?

19 Mar, 2008


Looks lovely. I've planted some for the first time, so I am waiting to see whether they like my garden.

19 Mar, 2008


Awseome display you have there ! I also love the color, It really stands out in a landscape.

20 Mar, 2008


They are hardy Sid and they grow to about two feet high.

20 Mar, 2008


Camassia also look good growing in a meadow area as well with native wild flowers.A lovely photograph.

20 Mar, 2008


You're three for three, Wellies! My list is so long my husband will faint when the bill comes in!!

23 Mar, 2008


Lori, just be prepared to make a beeline for the back door when the post arrives. Good luck!

23 Mar, 2008

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This photo was taken at Winsford Walled Gardens.

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