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Do you have change of a fifty


By Irish

Do you have change of a fifty

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"To the dog park, please, and step on it!"

6 Jun, 2009


Hi Meg.

6 Jun, 2009


Keep the change driver , I haven,t the pockets to put it in and I,ve forgotten my handbag ... Lol ..

6 Jun, 2009


Lol...Im not accustomed to being kept waiting..........

6 Jun, 2009


lol Amy.

that is so true BB, wee Meg does not like to be kept waiting lol

6 Jun, 2009


An air of royalty about her dont you think ! Lol

6 Jun, 2009


Love her.

6 Jun, 2009


aye BB but with more brains than certain royalty lol

6 Jun, 2009


Oh I second that ! Lol

6 Jun, 2009


lol thought you would know alright who i meant . even her ears are smaller than his lol

6 Jun, 2009


Don't offer 50 you might not get change lol so cute love it

7 Jun, 2009


Oh Eileen brilliant lol .. no garden party invites for us this year then.

7 Jun, 2009


lol Morgana

7 Jun, 2009


aw no BB, ill write my letter of apology straight away lol

7 Jun, 2009


Might help Eileen least you live in a Republic sounds more attractive all the time !

7 Jun, 2009


More brains than all of them put together I reckon. One thing in common though. She's used to being waited on hand and foot but at least Meg deserves it.

7 Jun, 2009


dont be so sure BB, some of our TD's over here think they are royalty

7 Jun, 2009


lol very true Toto, Meg deserves the royal treatment

7 Jun, 2009


She certainly looks very aloof.

7 Jun, 2009


AAAwwwww Meg u lazy little Girl lol :) best not show this pic 2 Summer Eileen cos id nevevr be able 2 push her in a Barrow lol :)

8 Jun, 2009


I thought she was just going to howl! H. sits on the grass and looks up like that sometimes. Then he either barks at the sky...or howls! No idea why. lol.

10 Jun, 2009


Possibly a couple of sandwiches short of a picnic Spritz!

10 Jun, 2009


lol Summer and Henry in the barrow , can you just imagine that

10 Jun, 2009


Goodness Eileen Nither me or Spritz could push that together lol:)

10 Jun, 2009


we cud get BB and Toto to push them round lol

10 Jun, 2009


Make a nice change Eileen like the chance to push something else around

10 Jun, 2009


Me& Eileen will get in then Jane/Ray lol :)

10 Jun, 2009


lol Jacque , how much fun would that be

10 Jun, 2009


LMAO fun 4 us any way Eileen :) lol

10 Jun, 2009


We still talking about a wheelbarrow or a skip ? lol

10 Jun, 2009


A Skip sounds even better cos u can drive them faster than a wheel barrow :) lol

10 Jun, 2009


a skip Jacque lol how many of us are getting in

10 Jun, 2009


Aye and drop you all off in landfill when I get bored

Aw sorry that sounds wicked forgot not catting to Milky now !

10 Jun, 2009


helloooooooooooo its me and Jacque , how on earth would you ever get bored lol

10 Jun, 2009


Rite lets make Jane/Ray push all 5 of us in Barrow Eileen " ME,U ,Meg,Summer & Henry " lol

10 Jun, 2009


So true Eileen too busy laughing now just remember to forget your driving instructions and dont ask me to do an emergency stop !

Thanks Jacque so we pick you up in Norfolk and push you over to Dublin ..

10 Jun, 2009


its ok BB , ill be on my day off lol.

so when can i expect to see this skip coming across the irish sea

10 Jun, 2009


He he Eileen think we better keep this secret dont you as if word gets out theres so much rubbish I ll be asked to take with me ..politicians , bankers etc.

10 Jun, 2009


Oh yes when you are feeling a little down take a look at some of the comments on GoY!! I have never laughed so much, I can just picture this damn skip with Stena Line or Irish Ferries stencilled on the side being paddled across the Irish sea on it's way to Dublin hahahaha thanks guy's that has really cheered me up.

10 Jun, 2009


awwww no BB, we have enough of our own fools over here we dont need any more brought in lol.

11 Jun, 2009


keep an eye on sky news Bob lol

11 Jun, 2009


Ha ha yes Eileen I can picture the headline banner across the bottom now.

11 Jun, 2009


Glad you took the brunt of this one Bonkers. I get pushed a\round enough at home and I'm not yet over my last set of bruises.

11 Jun, 2009


awwww poor Toto :-(

11 Jun, 2009


You better believe it Irish. My life is one constant round of neglect and torture. She who must be obeyed took lessons in cruelty to dumb animals, namely me.

11 Jun, 2009


Phone the RSPCT straight away ,
royal society of prevention of cruelty to Toto lol just in case you wernt too sure of what it stood for

11 Jun, 2009


Thanks Irish but she won't let me use the phone. She has me locked up most of the time, or should I say all of the time while I'm on release from the authorities who seem to think I'm unstable. Can you believe that?

11 Jun, 2009


you. unstable,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, never

11 Jun, 2009


Thanks Irish. It's nice to know that one person in this world believes me.

11 Jun, 2009


no problem Toto, and to prove how much i believe in you, go see my blog lol

11 Jun, 2009


I will Irish.

12 Jun, 2009 could have sworn the blog was about Toto the many similarities...makes me have to wonder...hmmm...chuckle..snort..guffaw...heee-heee..

12 Jun, 2009


lol Cat

12 Jun, 2009


Oh look there are the real Red Arrows flying overhead, whilst I'm stuck here in this wheelbarrow waiting for the Red Barrows to have a practice run.

12 Jun, 2009


Excuse me Cat! What do you think I am? Some kind of nutter?

12 Jun, 2009


tut tut Cat, shame on you lol

12 Jun, 2009


Thanks Irish. These colonials can be so hurtful. I could cry.

12 Jun, 2009 started all this

sorry are so sensitive...geeze...whats so bad about being a dog anyway...

12 Jun, 2009


Absolutely nothing wrong with being a dog. I'm sure that they get a lot more love than humans and me.

12 Jun, 2009


Oh now..aren't we being just such a big baby..
chin up Toto..
tomorrow's a new more pity party...
smile and the world smiles with you and all that...

My ears are hear the whining..

12 Jun, 2009


She looks miffed! I also thought she was howling at first! Dogs are so can anyone doubt they have feelings and thoughts? !

13 Jun, 2009


If only she could read what we are all writing about she'd wonder what humans were all about, and have a good laugh.

13 Jun, 2009


lol i think she would be looking for a new home if she could read all this Linda

13 Jun, 2009


very true raquel, they do have feelings

13 Jun, 2009


Sorry Cat, you don't understand the male psyche, we love a good whinge. It keeps us happy.

13 Jun, 2009


This fine wheelbarrow would float
and make a super boat
to take young Jacque to Ireland
and Meg could doggie paddle
with Toto sat astraddle
in the wounderouse wheelbarrow called the Firebrand.
It could have a fine sail
and even in a gale
they could all sail round the world together
but with Dublin in their sight
and sailing late at night
they had better pray for changes in the weather.

13 Jun, 2009


Brilliant Linda

13 Jun, 2009


LOL..Toto then you should be totally gleeful by now...with all the complaining-n-cryin you have been doing here...

You should be writing nice poetry like Lindak...thank you ..that was very nice Lindak....a breath of fresh air...I believe..let me help too!

The wind she would blow
and away they would go
a following sea.

The wind at their back
nothing would lack
home they would be
with their flowers and fur
all in tact.

In the FireBrand wheelbarrow
boat on the sea.

13 Jun, 2009


Thank you Lindak and Cat. Is there going to be room in the barrow for the owl and the pussy cat?
Cat, I haven't even started whinging yet. I am a past master at whinging and nothing makes me happier. I'm ashamed to be associated with the male members of GOY who have not had the courage to back me up. If they don't whinge they can't be real men, can they!

13 Jun, 2009


Nothin I like better Toto but have to respect the fact that once I start its hard to find the off switch .So bad am I that I m banned from local supermarkets get in front of me with vouchers top ups lottery tickets scratch cards then pay by chip and pin and cant remember your number ? whinge I m positively homicidal !

13 Jun, 2009


Don't worry Bonkers. I'll support you in court and we will probably both get life.

13 Jun, 2009


Think Ive already got it Toto ! Lol

20 Jun, 2009


Yes, I understand. We should form a society for the downtrodden.

20 Jun, 2009


Whingeing here whingeing there,
two old whingers what a pair,
although I expect they are quite rare
of the species teddy bear.
Bet these lovable great guys
with their whingeing, tiresome cries,
really do tell porky pies,
lighting up the dullest skies.
Methinks perhaps they don't whinge
or perhaps just on the fringe,
so lay out in the sun and singe
or party in the shed and binge.
(SORRY) Toto and Bonkersbon
for this poem going on
Don't know where the time has gone
written by LK anon.

24 Jun, 2009


To dear LK well what can I say ? Your rhyme so close to my heart,
Cant speak for Toto .. who just a bit loco - me ? just a boring old fart.

We find our lives bumpy no wonder we re grumpy - we spend all our time in our sheds .
We dont mean offence just cant make some sense - of what goes on in your heads.

Despite what we say , we love you that way our aim to whinge and to tease ,
If it were true our moans we would rue and turn Milky in to some cheese.

So thanks for the thought it wont come to nought - so kind it means a great deal.
Out of the embers we find some great members who keep us in touch with the real.

For Toto its bugs and me I love slugs ..good grief we re 2 of a kind,
We may be quite rare as 2 teddy bears ..a relief not so easy to find ! x

24 Jun, 2009


You truly are
two rare teddy bears
baring your all, to us here,
but if you stay grumpy
you may find you're lumpy
when getting a clip round the ear.
At least you've been truthful
and said you're not youthful,
even though you're young in the head,
and as far as boring,
I bet you go snoring
when potting the plants in your shed.
You men really love us
and really get a buzz
because you know we are queen bees
and we also garden
with hands that are harden
You really go weak at the knees.

25 Jun, 2009


lol briliant BB and Linda

25 Jun, 2009


I've just returned from the annual outing from the asylum to find that we have poets among our ranks. It's good to know that I'm not the only idiot on GOY.

29 Jun, 2009


So you are Jack Nicholson from the one who flew over the cuckoo nest,
You hide in your sheds to give your mrs a rest,
What you do in there nobody knows,
Only yous and may be the crows
Spending in your shed 3 and half years of your life,
I m surprised either of you have got a wife,
You 2 remind me of that rhyme,
So now I ll take you back in time.

The camels hump is an ugly lump,as well as you see at the zoo,
But ulglyer yet is the hump that you get from having to little to do.

30 Jun, 2009


Thanks Morgana. You'd be surprised what you can do in a shed.

30 Jun, 2009


lol see what happens when you go away Toto,,,,,,,,,,, everyone turns into a poet. no more days out for you from now on lol

30 Jun, 2009


The nice nurse wasn't pleased either, kept muttering something about they should have taken more notice of him!

30 Jun, 2009


Welcome back comrade in arms.Have been sorely mistreated in your absence.Hope you are suitably refreshed,and ready to take the flack !

30 Jun, 2009


Shoulder to shoulder into the fray. Bring 'em on.

1 Jul, 2009


lol safety in numbers eh guys

1 Jul, 2009


Where are you all then ! Lol

3 Jul, 2009


im getting worried about Toto, he hasnt been around much since he fell off that bike lol

3 Jul, 2009


Me too..and I need him !

3 Jul, 2009


lets send out the search party so.

you go right and ill go left lol

3 Jul, 2009


Ok..he must turn up somewhere ! Lol

3 Jul, 2009


I'm here. Just trying to catch up with everything takes longer than I thought and with the weather so nice I spent a lot of time outside.

4 Jul, 2009


your right Toto , its so beautiful. make the most of it

4 Jul, 2009


I certainly will and I hope you and the rest of the GOY members will do likewise.

4 Jul, 2009


well i am , in between work .
i had to get a photo taken yesterday for my driving licence and i couldnt believe it lol i look like ive been away in the tropics for the last few weeks

4 Jul, 2009


Do they allow women to drive in Ireland? Maybe I'll nrrd to rethink my coming there after my escape.

4 Jul, 2009


lol aye and get this Toto. actually you prob should sit down first butttttttttt we are now allowed to vote too , how good is that

4 Jul, 2009


What is the world comming to?

5 Jul, 2009


Its called equal right ,woman have sheds now you know I use to have one and visit other mens on the allotments so I know what can be them he he he ha ha ha!!!!!! no brewing your own moonshire

6 Jul, 2009


Is nothing sacred?

6 Jul, 2009


Nowhere to hide sympathies to you !

6 Jul, 2009


Thanks Bonkers.

6 Jul, 2009


Toto you can run but you can not hide he he he

6 Jul, 2009


They told me that at the asylum.

6 Jul, 2009


lol which asylum was that then?

6 Jul, 2009


My official residence Morgana. Don't say you didn't know. I hope your not prejudice against the less well mentally developed. Most of the other GOY members have been very supportive. Even the nice nurse says how good they have been to me. Must go now as have to wash my special clothing and have my tag recharged.

7 Jul, 2009


I don't know where is it I am newish on her I m not prejudice so I gather then you are on tag lol is that prison you are in then which one I have visited Winston Green and also Stafford, if you are in the Green then the easy way out a screw once told me is to walk out with the visitors as they count the visitors going in but not comming out lol true not making it up so now tell me who is less well mentally developed you or the goverment. ha ha ha.

7 Jul, 2009


well there you go Toto , a way to escape. mind you id say you rather like being looked after in the special house lol

7 Jul, 2009


Do you think BB and Toto will do the fan dance at the special house or do you think Toto will go to BBs to do it which is the closer for us all to go and watch Mmmmmmm!

7 Jul, 2009


I think yo got the wrong end of the stick Morgana. After I did my time I was released but then sent to Runwell where the nice nurse looks after me really well. Trouble is, he gets really upset when I go for little walks.

7 Jul, 2009


Toto....go over to Eileens pic of an astilbe ! They only want us to do a fan dance now ! Women !!

7 Jul, 2009


I'm not going to become a sex object for anyone. I do have my pride you know, or should that be "my price"?

7 Jul, 2009


lol no harm in dreaming now is there

7 Jul, 2009


What...not even for me Toto ! Lol

7 Jul, 2009


lol Irish I think we have them running into their shed to hide lol Mmm at a price hay will how much it will be worth it we can set up a kitty between us all .

7 Jul, 2009


Sorry Toto if I have the wrong end of the stick my appologies to you lol

7 Jul, 2009


depends on Totos price Morgana lol

7 Jul, 2009


Well I have found another place for him to live Dawnsaunt and myself has come up with a good home and how we are going to get him into it so that should knock down the price lol look on her page for the new feeding station.

7 Jul, 2009


Definitely not you Bonkers.

8 Jul, 2009


LOL..think we all had a bit too much sun ! LOL

11 Jul, 2009


Yes I quite agree Bonkersbon as he has agreed to do the fan dance with you lol I have informed Irish and audience

11 Jul, 2009


Huh ? When did he agree that ? Toto ?

11 Jul, 2009


Tonight he agreed look on his pictures 3rd row down last picture of corposia

11 Jul, 2009

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