By Milky

9 Jun, 2009
You will all be pleased to know there is not 1 photo of Ray sleeping on this week away. He was too busy and hardly sat down pulling out Tench after Tench...not huge ones, but lots of them
Comments on this photo
omg didnt recognise Ray there lol
9 Jun, 2009
Well done Ray , amazing what a change of scenery can do!
9 Jun, 2009
WOW .. so thats what he dreams about ... .. :o)
9 Jun, 2009
thats because he`s stood up and not asleep irish lol
9 Jun, 2009
Good to see Ray active at last ! Lol
9 Jun, 2009
Ha ha ha......Poor old devil never srtood a chance at sleep......The minute he put the bait in the fish were on it......He had the time of his life, and must have caught at least 30 fish a least. He doesnt care how big or how small...and Amy....He still dreams of Jordan, especially now she,s back pon the market......Lol
9 Jun, 2009
You sure his eyes are open behind those shades Milky!??? I think he is asleep stood up Sanbaz......."Katie....Katie....."
9 Jun, 2009
He he Milky at least he d be safe in that pond with her and her inflatables ...
9 Jun, 2009
So he did go with you, and stayed awake. It's lovely to know that you both had a good time. I'm not sure they float Bonkers. They're not filled with air, it's some kind of jelly and it aint Rowntrees.
9 Jun, 2009
Well no expert Toto but I thought they got inflated by a pump the one I got through the post has a little valve on ...oops .lol
9 Jun, 2009
Bring to mind Del boy.
9 Jun, 2009
Thats why I love this site..........the banter!!!!!!! you make my day lol
9 Jun, 2009
Oh joy Toto with all the birds here often feel like Im living in Peckham !
9 Jun, 2009
Bet that one took some landing!
Hark at you two, you are funny!
10 Jun, 2009
I am trying to think of a suitable reply Dawn without getting thrown off this site.....What a pair of wits they are.....he he he
10 Jun, 2009
Ha, ha ha, I know what you mean, sometimes difficult not to say without being rude, lol.
10 Jun, 2009
Did she mean wits or twits Bonkers?
10 Jun, 2009
BOTH Toto.......I have really missed you two
10 Jun, 2009
Bonkers will no doubt speak for himself but I missed you too.
10 Jun, 2009
And I've missed you Maureen .... what a bunch of softies we are, lol
10 Jun, 2009
Aw Toto - see knew you werent as bad as you like to paint yourself old softie . Did I miss Milky ? well have to admit I did ..twice - but never was a very good shot lol
10 Jun, 2009 Im old rat bag.....Thankyou Toto and friends...........
10 Jun, 2009
Your welcome Milky, us girls have to stick together!
10 Jun, 2009
Wasnt using bullets just a tranquillizer dart ..but yeah rat bag sounds right cant have you thinking we both gone soft ...I ll have to keep it up till Toto gets back to normal.x
10 Jun, 2009
Where his he? Probably in the shed!
10 Jun, 2009
Gone for a lie down .. the shock of realising he d missed Milky all too much ..
10 Jun, 2009
Oh yes, that must be it ..... I can't believe he admitted he had missed Maureen, he's probably embarrassed now and thinking of how he can be cheeky with her again.
10 Jun, 2009
Well I did too Dawn but would never be daft enough to admit to it in writing on here what sort of twit would do that ... ?
10 Jun, 2009
Ha ha ha ha - what can I say ....
10 Jun, 2009
Twit ?
10 Jun, 2009
Oooh Bonkers.......I knew you missed me I love you too....
10 Jun, 2009
Sorry Bonkers. They only let me out at the weekend and the medicine they gave me is having some very strange side effects.
10 Jun, 2009
We like your medicine, dont we Milky :-)
10 Jun, 2009
Now what can they be.......the mind boggles
10 Jun, 2009
LoI admit to nothing Milky didnt you read my previous comment ? x
Careful Toto ..sounds like Rays symptoms long periods of drowsiness ? strange you seemed so active while Milky away ...
10 Jun, 2009
Toto must be on Happy Pills!
10 Jun, 2009
Yes I did Bonkers and Toto was active because he had to keep busy or he would have fretted ha ha ha Your right Dawn,,,,Toto is Im back he he he
10 Jun, 2009
Yep, he can throw the pills away now your back, lol
10 Jun, 2009
You must resist Toto you seem like an educated man remember the tale of Ulysses and the Sirens ?
Yes you feel happy now but look at poor Ray - aye he looks happy fishing but how long before hes back in those long periods of unconciousness at the mercy of Milky and her evil lens ?
You must tie yourself to a post and fill your ears with wax - perhaps wax first on second thoughts - resist these charming comments or you ll be doomed!
10 Jun, 2009
Dont you listen to him Toto hes Bonkers.....................ha ha ha ha ha
10 Jun, 2009
Sorry Milky but I must listen to the words of one so enlightened or like Ulysses I could end up on the rocks. What am I saying, I ended up on the rocks years ago. Doomed, ah! doomed. Yes doomed, that is what I am. Talking about rocks I'll have a large one onthe rocks. Oh dear! think I've started another contentious trail here.
10 Jun, 2009
you old boozer........So have I ...................
10 Jun, 2009
Dont listen to me ? .. what more proof do you need Toto resist I say remember her favourite band ELO one of their biggest hits ..Evil woman and Devil Woman save yourself ...
10 Jun, 2009
A little birdie tells me you were caught under Milky's unconciousness spell on Saturday night BB? Once she was back, she could work her magic, lol.
10 Jun, 2009
So beware Bonkers....Listen to Dawn ....or else................
10 Jun, 2009
Was it Saturday you returned Milky ? Thanks Dawn that explains a lot out like a light Saturday tea time lol
10 Jun, 2009
ha ha ha no stamina......
10 Jun, 2009
Oh you cruel woman see what I mean Toto .. six days a week at work not enough for her even God rested on the seventh day ..
10 Jun, 2009
Your not God........................!!!!! he he he
11 Jun, 2009
ELO were a superb band. Do you think they new her Bonkers? Must have got their inspiration from somewhere.
11 Jun, 2009
Listen to Toto Bonkers............
11 Jun, 2009
No not God if I were Id have kept all my ribs .. but even he felt he d done enough work after six days . I do listen to Toto Milky and worried about him missing you and showing signs of mellowing ..
11 Jun, 2009
Mellow could be good.....but I wouldnt want him to change......He,s lovely as he is
12 Jun, 2009
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hope he doesnt tell porkys when you get home on how big that fish was lol
9 Jun, 2009