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Back border in my back garden June 09


By Jan65

Back border in my back garden June 09

This border is quite large and takes some filling! It always looks lovely in summer but in winter looks quite bare and desolate. This year I've re-jigged it a little and planted some evergreen shrubs that will hopefully help to fill out the space in the winter.

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Another nice spot !

10 Jun, 2009


Welcome to GoY.
This is a very pretty border....

10 Jun, 2009


Thank you both. This was originally a MUCH deeper border, about 15ft deep and filled with dead trees, dead and living shrubs, plants, weeds and lots of unidentifiable things all tangled together, but it was when we found deadly nightshade in amongst the undergrowth that we decided enough was enough and just completely cleared it, as we were then scared to let our (then) toddler out into the garden. My husband built the little fence, originally as a temporary solution as again we didn't have much cash to spare, but which is still going strong, then created a play area with the bark chippings in front of the little fence, with a swing and sandpit, before the lawn starts. Then he left the planting up to me!

10 Jun, 2009


You've done a great job with the planting looks lovely :)

10 Jun, 2009


Just a fantastic garden bed - you've both done a great job! Welcome from me too.

12 Jun, 2009


I'm very touched by all the nice comments on my photos. I'm always very critical of my garden, comparing it to my dad's garden which is absolutely beautiful all year round, and I never really feel that mine passes muster in comparison, so it's so lovely to hear that you all like what we've done and gives me a bit more confidence to try other things too. I only became interested in gardening about seven years ago, so am still very much learning, mainly by trial and error! Can I say that I also love this site, found it accidentally, and am rapidly becoming addicted!

12 Jun, 2009


It looks great I have been doing the same rearanging the boarders. Yours looks very pretty

12 Jun, 2009


Thank you Donnah!

12 Jun, 2009


looks lovely jan, iv got to do mine sometime, getting a bit overgrown now.

23 Jun, 2010

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