For Gee 1
By Amy

16 Jun, 2009
Veronica 'christy'... Ruby cluster ...Skimmia reevesiana ....gentian blue ..Cupids Dart ...Oxalis triangularis
Comments on this photo
You are welcome Gee , I have some of the black grass if you would like some of that !
16 Jun, 2009
That would be lovely, Amy, but will it like the damp?
16 Jun, 2009
It seems to grow anywhere in my garden Gee , under shrubs ,in the shade ,in the sun .. tough stuff I think ... you can try it , if you like I will send some , Just let me have your address ..
I was wondering about herbs for you , there are some very pretty ones if you don,t want to much height .. Golden Marjoram , purple flowering Thyme , Oregano .. .. useful to use as well as a nice scent ... . and still room for the lettuce ! :o)
17 Jun, 2009
Thanks, Amy, I will send you my address. Not sure about the herbs, I think the tortoises will just stuff themselves silly :)
17 Jun, 2009
17 Jun, 2009
I love this Circle Amy it reminds me of my Heather/Orange ,Red Circle in centre of my Foot Path :)
19 Jun, 2009
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My soil is quite damp most of the time but I am sure a small conifer will do nicely on my patch. Also smaller Hebes. I also have some Oxalis I could transplant! Thanks for taking the trouble to do this.
16 Jun, 2009