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Even getting bossed by Birtie these days....


By Sid

Even getting bossed by Birtie these days.... (Felix domesticus 'Varigatus')

Mum, when are you going to get some grass seed down on this then?

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Beautiful Birtie :o)

26 Jun, 2009


Hello Birts....your grass looks like mine...:o)

26 Jun, 2009


Birts would say Hi, but she's busy outside at the moment looking for frogs ;-)

26 Jun, 2009


Birtie has lovely eyes.

27 Jun, 2009


Sweet :)

27 Jun, 2009


Lovely looking cat

1 Jul, 2009



13 Aug, 2009


Yes, I think so, but I'm careful not to let on lol

She met a hedgehog yesterday evening....

14 Aug, 2009


How did they get on? My cat thinks she IS one! She loves hedgehogs (her best friend is a hedgehog) & HATES cats!!

14 Aug, 2009


Awwww - bless. Birtie just observed from a safe distance while hedgy trundled about in the yard lol

14 Aug, 2009



14 Aug, 2009


Birtie had an adventure yesterday - my dad was merrily driving down the road into town when he heard a little meow from the back seat! So Birtie was taken on a site-seeing trip around Hereford and had to stay in the car while my dad got his jobs in town done!!

15 Aug, 2009


A hitch-hiking cat! Well, I hope Birtie enjoyed the trip! LOL!

15 Aug, 2009


She hid under the seat apparently lol This isn't the first time this has happened - she went on a trip to Tescos once..........

15 Aug, 2009

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This photo is of species Felix domesticus 'Varigatus'.

This photo is of "Felix domesticus 'Varigatus'" in Sid's garden

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