Wit's End - third seating area
By Keithsmum

1 Jul, 2009
This is Wit's End - there's a sign on my shed that says so! There's a very young clematis montana on the back fence and hopefully in time it will climb over the top of the shed. If you want to know where I am, I'm at my wit's end!!
Comments on this photo
Love this area, lovely and secluded.
1 Jul, 2009
Hi Terratoonie and Michaella, Thanks. I think it needs more colour though. It's all still a bit brown!
1 Jul, 2009
Lots of trellis areas where you can add a bit more colour as time goes on...
1 Jul, 2009
It's funny how it's easier to see in a photo the areas that are lacking something. I should do this more often!
1 Jul, 2009
Its lovely Irene , once your Clematis starts moving it will look Fabulous , I will have some seeds from my Campis Trumpet vine in a few weeks your welome if you want some, easy to grow and adores Trellis!
1 Jul, 2009
Hi Pansypotter - that's very good of you. I don't normally "do" seeds but I'm certainly willing to give it a go. How hardy is it and does it need any special growing conditions? (I didn't know what it looked like so googled it!)
1 Jul, 2009
A nice photo and view thru the arch!
1 Jul, 2009
Irene its easy to grow will send instructions with the seeds, I have a couple of pictures uploaded which show it growing, if you can find them.
1 Jul, 2009
I love, love , love it.............
1 Jul, 2009
Thanks Paul - I can't wait for the clematis to do it's thing but it was only a little one from the supermarket so it might take some time - it's doing OK though.
1 Jul, 2009
Hello Carole, thanks very much for that. I'll look forward to receiving them. Good thing they come with instructions - I'll take special care of them and give you progress reports. Off to look at your pics of it growing now.
1 Jul, 2009
Thanks, Milky.
1 Jul, 2009
I've got a few that I bought from QD and supermarkets etc, Kiethsmum and they look quite frail at first but all except one are doing great now!
2 Jul, 2009
It's actually doing very well. I've been out regularly guiding it in the right direction! As long as it survives the winter, I think it'll be ok. I've had a few successes with supermarket purchases and, like you, the odd poorly one.
2 Jul, 2009
Should be alright. They usually get through once they've had a good summer's growth behind them!
2 Jul, 2009
I love this area Keithsmum :)
5 Jul, 2009
Thanks Louise1
5 Jul, 2009
lovely area keithsmum, think all women should have an area called this lol
11 Jul, 2009
Hello Sanbaz, ha ha! You're right! Thanks.
11 Jul, 2009
:o), lol
11 Jul, 2009
Oh yes.... I need a Wit's End! Brilliant idea.
21 Jul, 2009
Hi Tink - thanks! Welcome to the forum - I'm a relatively newbie too.
21 Jul, 2009
Thank you and Welcome too. This forum seems to have made the telly redundant! Good isn't it?
22 Jul, 2009
How right you are! Given what's on, I don't think we're missing much.
22 Jul, 2009
Love it......very funny!!! can I join you?
7 Aug, 2009
You most certainly can!
7 Aug, 2009
7 Aug, 2009
This is a lovely aspect Keithsmum....:>)
2 Sep, 2009
Thanks Motinot - I put the table and chairs out around May, they got rained on and now they'll be going back soon! We never did get a chance to sit there this year.
2 Sep, 2009
Lovely setting Keithsmum....can imagine having a glass of wine and just contemplate........ Well done :-)
25 Sep, 2009
Thank you Louis. When the sun shines it's nice to sit there with a book. It's just a pity the summer was so bad here we never got to use it this year.
25 Sep, 2009
Love the name "Wits End" and its a lovely photo. I have an area in my front garden signposted "Nowhere". Love these quirky ideas.
1 May, 2010
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Lovely arch and seating area.
Wit's End is a good name. Lol.
1 Jul, 2009