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Wasp Nest.


By Toto

Wasp Nest.

This nest was in the corner of an old outhouse where I stayed in Wocestershire. The nest is about 12 inches at its largest diameter and about 15 or 16 inches high.

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Even the nest looks angry ! :~(

6 Jul, 2009


OMG Do Their Nests all look like this Toto ? Reminds me of a Mummys Head :( Very Creepy Looking !

6 Jul, 2009


brilliant photo. so much work must go into making this nest

6 Jul, 2009


Lol Jacque ..they remind me of those paper lampshades with wire in ..the outhouse with your tin bath in doesnt have a nest Toto but lots of spiders to keep you entertained .

6 Jul, 2009


No Jacque. They don't all look the same. If they are a hanging nest like this one they all seem to follow the same pattern but when they are buit within an existing shaped structure they vary considerably.
Thanks to all three of you.

6 Jul, 2009


Thanx Toto 4 the info :)

6 Jul, 2009


OMG, I bet not too many people were using that outhouse!!! I saw one very similar at the botanical gardens a couple of years back... I think mine may have been from hornets though. They're amazing structures to see and a little freightening!

7 Jul, 2009


Thanks all. Contrary to poular belief the hornet is not as aggressive as the wasp but if you are unfortunate to get stung I am told that the hornets sting is much more painful.

7 Jul, 2009


Oooouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuccccccccchhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh sounds awful :( Mine hurt enough Toto :( But all better today :)

7 Jul, 2009 let me get this straight.....You stayed in an outhouse in Worcestershire..........did the bees mind? I do think they have done a beautiful job. The coloration is quite intriguiging...the one that they built in my woods one year..was more mauvey...and then deer or a bear of some racoons tore it was quite large.....You really need to find a bit more comfortable places to stay Toto....where DId you put your pillow? Or your feet?

7 Jul, 2009


Toto- I noticed that you mentioned this a hornet's nest or a wasp's nest? The one that I photographed was a bald-faced hornets nest. Here's a link if you'd like a look:

8 Jul, 2009


article in todays paper of a man in Hertfordshire who fell into a wasps nest and was stung 200 times,,,,,,,,, ouch , ouch, ouch

8 Jul, 2009


Oh dear..lets see..oh good...Toto is from Essex..whew! Oh yea this shot is not from Essex..Worcestorshire..well guess he is still safe..unless he is off galavanting around in some other outhouse.

8 Jul, 2009


I only mentioned Hornets because you did Tastey. (Someone needs to sort her out). Yes Cat I stay in all sorts of places. It was very comfortable thanks Cat. If you stay in the same places as everyone else, the aliens can find you and carry you away, so be careful. The wasps didn't seem to mind. I'm not sure what you mean about a pillow; why would I need one of those? As for my feet, they were in the same sleeping bag as me. Not galavanting anywhere at the moment as they finally caught up with me and hauled me back but I am working on my next escape.
I suppose he wanted sympathy Irish. It's his own fault for not talking to them nicely before he fell in.

8 Jul, 2009


Dont know if i like it or not.

8 Jul, 2009


R U that someone Toto?

8 Jul, 2009


Not me Tastey, too much of a coward. Come on Clarice, make your mind up.

9 Jul, 2009


So definitely not a hornet's nest then... ;~) Just kidding, hehehe.

9 Jul, 2009


I'm not sure!

9 Jul, 2009


Fantastic structure. The wasps patrol our garden and keep it clean of pests. The Cabbage whites keep laying eggs that hatch and along come the wasps and take them so the wasps do have a useful purpose.

28 Jul, 2009


I'm glad you agree Lindak. They are not the nasty creatures everyone seems to think.

28 Jul, 2009

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