Plez can Hywel, FF,Scottie Islander ID this Fuchsia Plez
By Jacque

9 Jul, 2009
Its the second pic iv loaded on 2 GOY but its more open now so maybe itl be easier 2 ID Many Thanx Jac Im Thinking Carmel Blue?
Comments on this photo
Thanx Gee i do Love Purples & Pinks together so i think its lovely 2 :)
9 Jul, 2009
could be 'Carmel Blue' Jac, but don't hold me to that... do you know if it is trailling or upright.... oh just seen your comment at the bottom of pic... yes i think Carmel Blue. Hywel would be able to say for sure would think...
9 Jul, 2009
Up-Rite Ang & iv got another Carmel Blue so thats why im thinking thats what this is ? :)
9 Jul, 2009
I think you're probably right Jacque and Angie - Carmel Blue. Lovely.
9 Jul, 2009
also looks like delta sara jacque, but what do i know lol, just been looking at blue fuchsia
9 Jul, 2009
I thought it was Delta Sarah too as i have one
9 Jul, 2009
really sewingkilla, so could be and my mum had one to , alot are simalar arent they
9 Jul, 2009
Yes hard to tell some Fuschias apart! I got it as my daughter is called Sarah
9 Jul, 2009
Thanx SK/San Delta Sarah has Darker Pink/Morron Stamens/Stigmas so i think its Carmel Blue :)
9 Jul, 2009
aww thats sweet sewin....
9 Jul, 2009
Yes I agree San its a Lovely thing to have named after your Daughter SK :)
9 Jul, 2009
What ever its lovely.
9 Jul, 2009
Glad u like it Clarice :)
10 Jul, 2009
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This photo is of "Fuchsia "Delta Sarah"" in Jacque's garden
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Whatever it is, it's lovely colouring.
9 Jul, 2009