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Clematis x jouiniana

Clematis x jouiniana (Clematis x jouiniana)

A herbaceous Clematis that sprawls on the stream bank.

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I had this one and it got out of control so I dug it up and gave it to someone who asked for it. Must of left a small piece in and it's back with a vengance.

16 Jul, 2009


Its a very pretty one......

16 Jul, 2009


Didn't you cut it hard back every spring, Toto?

I suppose that it does have lots of space where it is.

Thanks, Milky!

16 Jul, 2009


It's gorgeous.

16 Jul, 2009


It's also very large, Wagger!

16 Jul, 2009


I could live with that. Wait until you see how far Elvan goes!

16 Jul, 2009


What, flat on the ground? lol.

16 Jul, 2009


Flat, up, down, sideways, along the pergola, over the roof, lol.

16 Jul, 2009


Yaaaay!! Sounds like my kind of Clematis! I'm keeping my eye open for one. I may have to wait until spring and order one mail order.

16 Jul, 2009


love the colour spritz. my alan bloom is in flower at the mo too.

16 Jul, 2009


Is that 'ginormous' as well?

16 Jul, 2009


no not really, but it is next to a rowan tree and i dont know what it wil do in he next couple of years. its been in 2 summers now.

16 Jul, 2009


Snap !
I bought this last year at Wisley :)

Mine's not yet in flower :(

17 Jul, 2009


oh this is very nice!

17 Jul, 2009


Thanks - it really does get ENORMOUS, though... !! :-O

17 Jul, 2009



17 Jul, 2009


I did cut it back hard, gave a sharp talking to, stamped on it and threatened it with extinction but it still came back.

17 Jul, 2009


Goodness, Toto - it must love being in your garden! What a survivor!

17 Jul, 2009


You said it Spritz.

17 Jul, 2009


What's it doing now after all that ill-treatment?

17 Jul, 2009


Growing nicely.

17 Jul, 2009


LOL. That told you! ;-)

17 Jul, 2009



17 Jul, 2009


There were FOUR of these here when we came. Two went when we had the garden room built, so I have one on the stream bank, which sprawls down and looks pretty, and one which I should have tied up to the rose trellis, as it's lying all over my Osteospermum! My fault, so there it will have to stay until the spring.

17 Jul, 2009


I'm going to try "Round Up". that should wipe the smile off it's face.

17 Jul, 2009


Now that's plain murderous! How could you! Grrrrr.

Seriously, does it have huge roots? I'm surprised - it's only a Clematis, not a Poplar tree...or Comfrey! lol.

17 Jul, 2009


Definitely a Shrubby Clematis whih looks like yours. If you leave a small piece of the root, it grows and grows and grows and...............

17 Jul, 2009


Cor! Clever Clematis! Crafty,

17 Jul, 2009


Too smart for its own good I'd say.

17 Jul, 2009


Hmmm. Was that aimed at me, or the Clematis, I wonder?? lol.

17 Jul, 2009


That made me chuckle :)

17 Jul, 2009


Glad something did today! NOT a nice one. :-(

17 Jul, 2009


Here's hoping for a nice weekend then :)

17 Jul, 2009


Hear, hear. :-)

17 Jul, 2009


Sounds like a very usual plant, thanks

19 Jul, 2009


I'm not sure I'd buy one, though, Dawn, knowing what I know about its habits! LOL.

19 Jul, 2009


Is it just toooooo rampant then Spritz?

19 Jul, 2009


Is it? I should say so! I'll take a photo of the whole plant - IF I can get it all in... LOL.

19 Jul, 2009


The remark of it being too clever was aimed at the plant Spritz. At the moment it thinks it's winning but when the Round Up is applied it will raelise who's going into the winners enclosure.

19 Jul, 2009


Hi Toto - you're back, then? How was Kent? Still there?

Let us know when you've won, won't you! I am taking bets.

19 Jul, 2009


I would like to see the photo Spritz, thanks. Do you think it would tolerate rambling amongst one of my hedges?

19 Jul, 2009


Yes, as long as it's in the sun. I have one on the stream bank, and the other is sprawling across the Osteospermum bed and scrambling up amongst the roses on the trellis.

19 Jul, 2009


It's a shrubby one Dawn. It doesn't ramble it just expands.
Kent was still there Spritz. Immigration escorted me back to the North of the Dartford Tunnel earlier this evening. I'm not the applying the ultimate weapon for a little while until other flowers in the area are finished but will let you know when I've had the pleasure of seeing its leaves turn up their toes.

19 Jul, 2009


Sorry and Dawn. Spritz snuck in while I was composing my epistle.

19 Jul, 2009


Ha ha, thanks to you both for the info.

19 Jul, 2009


Oooops! Sorry. :-(

19 Jul, 2009


Tis lovely unusual

25 Jul, 2009


I've only ever seen one other - in an Open Garden was tied up to a trellis...I could even say 'trussed up'...LOL. It looked awful!
Poor thing. :-(

25 Jul, 2009


I have just told Toto I ll have it , tis too beautiful to die and not to use round up, I boycote that firm it controls 90% of our food crops and sell farmers sprays for the corn, wheat which when the bees land on it without having to take the pollen they lose their memory, so I have told him to use comfrey as if you use neat with out diluting will kill the plant and it is a plant which feeds all plants natrually with out chemicles. organic way of feeding all other feeds so I am told have chemicles.

25 Jul, 2009


He's welcome to some of my Comfrey, Morgana! I still want to get rid of some more from the border. There's another area of it, too, but that will have to stay for the moment at least.

25 Jul, 2009


If only you knew what other things comfrey does, I read if you smashed all your bones and placed them in a pot and with the root of comfrey it would mend it all I ll give you the link to read.

25 Jul, 2009

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This photo is of "Clematis x jouiniana" in Spritzhenry's garden

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