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Peacock Butterfly


By Jacque

Peacock Butterfly

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lovely shot jacque, pretty butterfly

23 Jul, 2009


Hi San :) there were a good 9/10 of these beautys on My Buddeja all @ once today :)

23 Jul, 2009


This is a gorgeous photo Jacque, almost real! So pleased you have lots of them in your garden - I've not seen many peacocks but lots of the small brown ones.

23 Jul, 2009


lovely Jacque

23 Jul, 2009


Thanx Dawn/Eileen :) Iv seen more Peacock Butterflies Than Commas this year :/ But iv seen a Few Painted Ladies which i had`nt seen in my garden @ all last yr ? The White Cabbage Numbers seem the same :)

23 Jul, 2009


wow thats great jacque, i do like them shrubs, keep thinking about getting one

23 Jul, 2009


Their so easy 2 care 4 San & u can cut it back 2 keep it in Trim if u think its getting 2 big :) Iv 5 in my garden now & all down in the Wild Area where its Hot&Sunny :) They also have a sweet perfume San :)

23 Jul, 2009


sound lovely jacque, may look at weekend :o)

23 Jul, 2009


Lovely Photo..

23 Jul, 2009


Thanx Deida :) San ul be spolit 4 choice in Colours :)

23 Jul, 2009


Great photo Jacque....

23 Jul, 2009


Beautiful Jacque....glad you are getting such large numbers visiting !

23 Jul, 2009


Fantastic Jacque! Nice to see you've got a "Nectar Bar" going on in your garden....:)

23 Jul, 2009


Thanx Janette,Jane/Ray, Di :) All the Planting Of Butterfly/Bee Friendly Plants really has paid off :)

23 Jul, 2009


It certainly has Jacque...well done you !

23 Jul, 2009



23 Jul, 2009


It,s nice to see so many this year , lovely :o)

23 Jul, 2009


your photos are fab!

23 Jul, 2009


Thanx Amy /Falco im glad u enjoy my Pics :)

23 Jul, 2009


Great photo of the butterfly.

24 Jul, 2009


Plez`d u like it SunB :)

24 Jul, 2009


Ooh Luvly Jacque.....I like the way the Peacocks really glow when the sun is on them....:o)

24 Jul, 2009


Beautiful picture of him!

26 Jul, 2009


Thanx Janey/Rhodea:)

27 Jul, 2009


Striking. I don't think we have them in the states.. Is that a butterfly bush he's on?

27 Jul, 2009


Pretty butterfly, Jac :o)

28 Jul, 2009


Hi Regina yes its a Butterflie Bush they love them dont they :) Glad u like the Pic 2 TT :)

30 Jul, 2009


Fantastic shot Jacque, looks as though I could reach out and touch it. Wish I had these colorful butterflies in my garden ~

1 Aug, 2009


Nice picture Jacque. I see you have a Buddleia to attract the butterflies as well. Mine has been feeding lots of Painted Ladies this year so far.. I think the persistant rain is keeping the other away.

1 Aug, 2009


such beauty, a great shot.

3 Aug, 2009


Thanx Flc,Adoron,Sue :) Iv so many of these enjoying my Buddejas this yr :)

3 Aug, 2009


They are so beautiful arn't they Jac! Butterflys seem to be doing better this year - I've had quite a few - not as many as you, but more than in recent years. Also nice to see the return of Painted Ladies, as you say not one last year.... I also seem to have a lot of catapillars this year - they're nor normally a problem and I try to be tolerant of them if not much damage being done, but this year they seem to be everywhere - even on my tomatos!

3 Aug, 2009


Hi Sarah i do love Butterflies & its great theres more about :) Not seen many Caterpilllairs on My Flowers ? Maybe the Black Birds/Hedgehogs have eatten them ? :/

3 Aug, 2009


Mostly I leave them be, but if they are really threatening to overpower a plant, then I carefully pick them off and put them somewhere theyll do less harm - like on the self-sown nastutians I've got dotted around the place, or on the nettles I've left for them. I've found a few catapillars on some brambles too - weird colourful ones with mad hair-dos!! lol Wonder what they'll turn into?!

3 Aug, 2009


Sounds like the Coloured Hairy 1s will be Punk Rockers Sarah lol :)

3 Aug, 2009


Great shot Jacque..:>)

8 Aug, 2009



10 Aug, 2009


Thanx Motinot/Aleyna :)

10 Aug, 2009

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This photo is of "Butterfly Photos" in Jacque's garden

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