Thunderstorm in Scotland!
By pixi25
Just had the most amazing thunderstorm here.
Unfortunately i never di get a photo of the lightning..wish you could have heard it! It was booming over my house for ages!
Took these pics of the skiy and my garden to try and show you how dark it got, though photos (taken on a phone anyway) dont show it as well.
Oh and one of Suki who wasnt really bothered at all, in fact she wanted to go back out in it lol.
All you could hear was the boom if the thunder and some kids down the next street squealing with terror lol
The start of it looming on the horizon, at this point I could only hear distant rumblings, thought it was my belly at first lol ;)
I was still outside at this point, still no rain.
After getting Suki safely in the house ( she wasn’t really bothered) I ran through the house to the front and Wow it was much darker!
The darkness was creeping slowly over the houses, birds were flying about madly looking for shelter! The thunder roared like a caged tiger!
Slowly the dark sky floated over my house bringing torrential rain, now I could no longer stand outsaide to take photos!
On the way back through the house I took this pic of Suki lying on the rug wondering what all the fuss was about!
When I got to the back of the house again this is what I saw! Unreal rain!
Now everything has gone quiet again apart from a few odd rumblings, only this time they really are from my belly!
16 Jul, 2011
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Oh I love good storm! Just wish it had lasted longer!
Belly is opk now had some dinner :)
16 Jul, 2011
Wow... that's quite a storm.. very black clouds...
good to know that Suki wasn't bothered by the wet weather ! :o)
16 Jul, 2011
No she's quite happy, now she is all curled up at the end of my bed lol.
16 Jul, 2011
we had the torrential downpours, but no thunder and lightning pity, I love a good storm, suki looks like she is saying what is all the fuss about
16 Jul, 2011
I was stuck in the potting shed whilst it lasted up here - made sure that I had no excuse not to do some much needed potting on. Fortunately it eased off at tea time! I think that Perth had it bad with lots of surface water flooding.
16 Jul, 2011
I am a little surprised to hear about thunderstorms in Scotland. I do not know how violent are, but always though that thunderstorms only occur in hot climates. We did have some violent thunderstorms here in the London area some years ago, but London is very closed to the continent and much south of Perth. I admire your braveness to stay in the garden during a thunderstorm.
When I was a boy (not in this country) I was caught up in the middle of a very violent thunderstorm while helping my father in the fields. I was so frightened that I still feel very uncomfortable when I witness one, although I am now in my mid sixties.
16 Jul, 2011
Fab photos pixi, I like the pictures of the rain it really was raining stair rods as they say.
16 Jul, 2011
Yes Vab I'm sure I heard her say that! lol
AH well Im not that far from Perth Bulb we had flooding in Dunfermline last week prolly will be more today! its still raining hard here!
Oh yes Coshad we get thunderstorms and I love them!
Pity you had that bad experience. When my daughter was small we used to sit at the window watching it. I told her the clouds were dancing and they kept bumping into one believed me and thought it was funny. Shae asked what is the lightning? I told her it was the disco lights in the sky. :)
Thanks Kfunsters Aye stair rods still happening!
16 Jul, 2011
Brilliant Blog Pixi - those huge dark Cumulus were outstanding photos - I am jealous of the storm you had - the rain was pelting !!! You should paint some of the towering clouds they're cool :))) Great blog enjoyed it very much
16 Jul, 2011
We had torrential rain until early afternoon but no thunder thank goodness, Brynner is petrified.
Your photo`s show how dark and dramatic it was, I don`t mind as long as I`m at home and can watch from my armchair, lol......
16 Jul, 2011
I have just looked at the SEPA flood warning website and see that there are flood 'Alerts' out for most of Scotland after the forcast of very heavy rain on Saturday night/Sunday morning!!!
16 Jul, 2011
Wow,that sky is so dramatic,Pixi..I love watching storms..but very sorry for all in Scotland who are caught up in it..Take care all of you..
16 Jul, 2011
Thanks Paul! Yes I thought you would like these pics!
I will incorporate some of these is future painting I'm sure! :))
yes Linc..armchair is a good place to be :)
oh dear Bulb..I have to drive to Arbroath tomorrow..hope it's not too bad. Though Dad said there hasn't been too much up there . :P
Yes Bloomerlove the dramatic! Thanks for your concern x
16 Jul, 2011
I thought we were going to have a great storm last week here in West Wales, lots of thunder growling around over the sea. I was rushing like mad to get all my planting done in time but it went away without a single flash or drop of rain.
17 Jul, 2011
Well its been like that for the past few weeks here too then we had that dramatic display!
Thank God today I got to Dads with sun all the way and it was a beautiful day, got his garden done too etc, then drove back home to rain again! Grrr!
17 Jul, 2011
The storms are very localised. Looking at the news last night I saw reports of flooding in several places including one just 20 miles to the west of us. At home we had had a lovely hot and sunny day with no sign of any rain.
18 Jul, 2011
Lucky you Bulb! Yes lots of flooding around Fife..been lucky here so far. Today the sun shines! :) So far...
18 Jul, 2011
is that rain ever coming down, wouldn't want to be stuck out in that
22 Jul, 2011
Yes it was and I stood out in it lol yes I am a bit mad..but it felt great! Had to have a hot shower after it..but what a feeling with the thunder booming overhead too! :)
22 Jul, 2011
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lol at your rumblings Pixie 25,that looks like some storm you had..we have had some torential downpours in the last week,no thunder storms though thank goodness.:o)
16 Jul, 2011