Some good things some not so good
By pixi25
SOme things in the garden are doing well with all this rain, others arent.
Most of my roses are covered in rust or blackspot, had to cut off all the leaves today.
The Chinese Forget-me-nots I thought I had lost
Jacob’s Ladder courtesy of Bloomer
THe plant Paul gave me a cutting of..forgot its name again! lol
Campanula always does well
Love’s knot rose doing better but the leaves are sparse
Handel in amongst the Sweetpeas, producing lots of buds and blooms but all the leaves had to be taken off
As you can see all the leaves have had to be cut off..there werent many leaves to start with.. i dont know why
The rose down by the shed has barely any leaves either though it is producing a few buds ( might be apricot blaise)
This Hellibore was a gift, it looks like its dying and I dont know what to do..should I cut it back?
Rose at the left side garden going pretty well, it got moved from the other side (May be Pristine)
Crimson GLory really doing well this year, jsut keeps producing the most amazing blooms and so very fragrant..mmmmm
First run of Clay’s head..missed out the ears lol so he is jsut going to lie there now
Just a wee stone
Fuschia just growing now. SHould I prune these back every year or not?
Lady Hamilton ( Rick’s Rose) doing extremely well, has had lots and lots of blooms and look at the buds still to come out. The only thing is the rain, as soon as they bloom the rain comes pouring down and destroys them..deary me what to do
6 Aug, 2012
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Lots going on but ...Blue fingernails Clash with that rose Pixi .. :0)
I thought you were having a terrible day.
Looks fine.
7 Aug, 2012
garden looks lush Pixi mine is getting a very autumn look about it - most is coming out for most didn't flower . glad mine is doing well Pixi some good height on it :))) gaultheria mucronata is its name or pernettya, prickly heath:))))))
does look lovely Pixi - no cameo this time ???
7 Aug, 2012
Everything looking great Pixie .
As for your helebores cut back the dieing brown leaves just to tidy up plant they will be fine its just the plant going back after blooming.
I have many in garden and after the tidy chop they are fine Pixie.
7 Aug, 2012
I tidy up the fuchsias in the spring, I can see the dead wood then and what has survived the winter
I don't like this talk of winter....we're still waiting for summer and its quite chilly this morning.......
7 Aug, 2012
Some of your plants (like mine) are showing signs of Autumn setting in Pixi, they are confused, my new this year Heuchera aren't lookin good at all and some of the hostas, they look ready to go to sleep for winter! but look on the bright side, you still have loads of colour, love pic 14 and youv'e reminded me to buy more scented plants, im going to look at scented lilly's for next year, ive threw all this years out as they were awfull, stunted and straggly..
PS, love the jacobs ladder..
7 Aug, 2012
All looking good. Have to fix an umbrella over Lady Hamilton !
7 Aug, 2012
Like pick 14 looking across to the shed, you have quite a lot going on Pixi.
7 Aug, 2012
Thanks all.
Well my Dad always cut his Fuschias back for some reason..not going to do it this year, see what happens.
lol Pimp Its Turquoise!! lol It was a weird day..firstly torrential rain, then hot hot hot sunshine then back to rain, then a little sun. then thinderstorm..was awesome!!!!! Tired to video it but every time I tried I missed the lightning!
THanks again Paul..deary me..wrote it down this time missed the cameo? its there (pix 13) if you look very closely! ;)))))))
Will try cutting the Heelibore back Kath..thanks :)
No more talk of Winter or even Autumn! haha
Thanks YD i love scented plants though I think the rain washes some of it away!!!!!
Of couurse! I need an umbrella on the Lady..ty Cinderella! :)))
Thanks again Pimp :)))) Do you think there is too much?
7 Aug, 2012
Things are doing the best they can with this weather. My roses are full of blackspot too :o( But you've got nice flowers on them.
The Fuchsia will die back on it's own in the winter. I cut mine back in spring when they start to sprout again.
The Hellibore is dying back naturally I think this time of year. Mine do the same.
I love that stone with mossy bits on it :o) and your blue nails ... They go nice with the rose ;o)
Your mirrors add some character to the garden also
7 Aug, 2012
Is it the rain that causes it Mr Hywel? Glad you like my nail varnish hahaha ;) THanks for your lovely comments :)
7 Aug, 2012
Love the nail varnish,Pixi:o)..and glad to see 'Jacob' has finally was only a small piece though,so they just need to time to get going....dead head,them,as the flowers die,and you will get lots more this year..My roses are the same,as I have to keep taking the diseased leaves off,so looking a bit bare too..but lots of lovely new stems and growth coming again,since I cut them back ,after they had finished flowering....agree with Hywel..leave the foliage on the Fuchsia' helps to protect them in W......r,,don't want to say that word ! Lol..and give them a decent mulch to protect the crown...
All looking good...nice blog :o)
7 Aug, 2012
ohh yes lol at the bottom - I looked at the top :D
7 Aug, 2012
lol Bloomer..the W word! doont like the C word either! lol
Nail varnish will change tonight! Maybe black maybe red!
Haha Paul I was swuatting down to take the pic! ;))
7 Aug, 2012
all looks great Pixi, i'll be sending you a Hellebore in Autumn time with a penstemon if you still wan them.. that Helleburus just cut the old leaves ground level it'll soon put up fresh new leaves..
7 Aug, 2012
Did it SL and found two wee flowers! :) Yes thanks need some plants for front garden too.:)))))
7 Aug, 2012
ok :-)
7 Aug, 2012
:) x
7 Aug, 2012
I've noticed my roses this year have very few leaves - maybe it's all the rain eh?
7 Aug, 2012
Think it must be Sheilar cant see any beasties eating them, although I found two ginormous snails on the clothes pole where Crimson glory clmbs up..but thats got plenty leaves lol so it cant be them!
7 Aug, 2012
My Jacob's Ladder bloomed ages ago and I thought that was it, but will try cutting back now to see if more flowers appear. Useful advice, Bloomer. Just spotted you, Pixi, but had to look hard!
7 Aug, 2012
Mines been flowering since spring,Tuesdaybear..a couple of them looking tatty now,so cut them back..I see new growth appearing again :o)
7 Aug, 2012
Thank you, Bloomer.
7 Aug, 2012
7 Aug, 2012
THe flower is out Bloomer! I;ll take a pic tmorrow :)
Yeah Tb I always sneak in somewhere lol
7 Aug, 2012 last Pixi..a long time coming :o)
7 Aug, 2012
Good things come to those who wait! :)
8 Aug, 2012
Recent posts by pixi25
- Garden in Autumn
11 Oct, 2012
- I'm still around!
29 Aug, 2012
- Nails for Bloomer
8 Aug, 2012
- Went to B&Q! Naughty!
7 Aug, 2012
- Garden in the wind this morning
29 Jul, 2012
- Arbroath Abbey pageant ( for Pimp really)
27 Jul, 2012
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Your Crimson Glory is...glorious. I've had similar problems with rose foliage this year - terrible blackspot. Geoff Hamilton is virtually bald now, poor fellow. I've not heard of cutting fuchsias back but maybe it would help them fill out? I've got a couple of hellebores which look like yours too and I wasn't sure what to do; thought maybe they're just dying back because their season is over, but they do look messy, don't they? Your Lychnis coronaria is looking good though. :) (Smiley frog)
6 Aug, 2012