Garden in the wind this morning
By pixi25
29 Jul, 2012
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That was great Pixi.
I love to look how your garden is coming on cos it was the first garden I ever looked at on Goy.
Suki was very obliging too today :-)
29 Jul, 2012
Enjoyed that sound awfy!
Like my garden, lots of green not enough flower. Like Pimp - I do like your table, mirror and ivy scene - it's lovely. What will you do about your leaky pond?
Do you put your Choisya looking awful down to the wet? Mines is not looking at it's best either.
Windy - like that over here too.
How cute is Suki....nice to see she's not licking her a**e this time :)
29 Jul, 2012
I tried a few times but couldn't see it ... it only worked for about 10 seconds and then kept going off.
I liked your sweet peas though :o)
29 Jul, 2012
Thanks Pimp..paul's garden? omg i'm honoured ..its not as big and certainly not as well kept but ty :)
Me posh? hahaha oh well maybe that was my phone voice I had on haha. Rick will help me redo the pond later this year hopefully if he has time..this is the second time it has got leaks! if it gets redone and still leaks I might jsut get rid of it..but I wouldnt want to..I love it! Did you nootice the Brunerra and Fern Angie? they are doing well!
Yes Suki did well today..even meowed! lol
Aw Mr Hywel..maybe your settings arent right for you tube? I dont know..shame you couldnt see it all with Suki performing and all! :)
Wow Willi was it? how cool! I should do a blog from the very start of my garden..oh wait maybe I did..can t rememebr now lol I wish I had pics of when I first moved here..the whole garden back and front was overgrown to about 5ft!
29 Jul, 2012
not sure if you meant Paul as in me - that is nice - Thank you Pimpernel and to you Pixi :)))
roses looks good to me Pixi - mine never do amazingly well - little tree is salix hakuro nishiki :) our pond loses water a fair bit - does evaporate even in not much heat :))) the ivy wall at 3:54 is great with you waving - always make me smile you cameos :)))))))))))) Garden has really filled out Pixi - superb stuff!!!!
Our apple trees and general fruit trees are crap! we had one peach - about 4 cherries and 6 apples - 3 of which were bad! I can't be bothered with them but Mum likes them
our snap dragons flowered nicely - great little plants :))) Choisyas not too bad - keep patient as they can look ill somedays but can quickly pick up - ours did :)))
lol love your cat and your miaow :D
love the huge golden plant at 6 mins !!!!! poor Ricky lol - needs some Doctor . lovely flowers at 8 mins - nice pose from Suki at 9 mins bless :)))))))))))
lovely video Pixi - garden is lovely :)))))))))))))))))))))
30 Jul, 2012
Oh well I dont know any other Paul...your garden is far better than mine! you take more care..I tend to let things grow a but wild lol.
my roses are usually full especially over the secret door Paul..Only and odd one or two coming out at a time.
lol Always have to wave at you!
I would take the apple trees out really i didnt really want them, but they were a pressie so what do you do? Well that one at the side is dying I think so that might be removed! lol
I moved that Choisyas from the other side of the garden. always moving things has jsut never recovered from the move really, but it might perk up one day.
lol yeah I was trying to get Suki to miaow she usually does when I do it lol..still she was good for the cemra this time :)
Thanks Paul :))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
30 Jul, 2012
30 Jul, 2012
Yes I meant you Paul...Stop the film at 9:30 and it has a little look of a Paul's garden...Might be the big blue pot. I reckon if you nipped up to Pixi's, you could turn that into a home from home in a weekend. ;)
30 Jul, 2012
i can never get to see these youtube videos pixi, i copy and paste and never comes up grrr :o(
30 Jul, 2012
Yes saw the Brunnera and the fern pixi - they aren't half coming on - I did mean to mention them but obviously forgot..doh!!
I hope you manage to the the pond sorted - it would be a shame if you had too lose it - it makes a lovely feature of your garden.
30 Jul, 2012
many thanks Pimpernel - will look at that
30 Jul, 2012
Lol Pimp. I'm sure Paul is way too busy for that haha :)
Do you paste it into the search bar San? I t should work
Yeah I would hate to lose the pond now Angie :)
30 Jul, 2012
No Pixi I watched all of it - agree it looks like it very much:)))))))))))
31 Jul, 2012
lol I meant too busy to come up here and transform my garden lolol ;)
Maybe a teeny bit of it loks like yours..but no way am I such a dedicated gardener like you really should be so proud of waht you/ve done there Paul..xxxxxxx
31 Jul, 2012
Thanks Pixi - you have done a grand jod yourself! I'd have time to help you too - if it wasn't the distance I'd be there with my spade and whatever ;))))) Raining here now - had some sunny weather - maybe now all the damp again X
31 Jul, 2012
Aw thanks :)) and whatever? lol ;)
well we seem to have the sun this morning and blue skies..hope it lasts..yesterday it was sun/rain/sun/rain all day! x
31 Jul, 2012
yes same here Pixi - dull today - that means a catch up day :)) and bonnie good morning to you
31 Jul, 2012
haha Bonnie! Make s me smile :)
31 Jul, 2012
31 Jul, 2012
someone at work used to always say I was a bonnie lad - so I said oh thanks then went home and looked what it meant lol - :))) surely they didn't mean cheerful really lol
31 Jul, 2012
A Bonnie lad is a handsome pleasing to look at man!
31 Jul, 2012
Like Sanbaz, I can rarely manage to see these links . . it's maddening!
31 Jul, 2012
I dont understand why. I know that i had given someone in my artlcass a link to something and instead of pasting it up in the search bar she had put it into Google needs to be in the search bar at top of page. Can you get inot You Tube? If you can then try typing in mspix25 it will show all my videos :)
31 Jul, 2012
Hi, Pixi. Couldn't access the link but got it through youtube as you suggested above. I really enjoyed the tour - like going on NGS visit without the long journey to Scotland! The more I look at members' gardens, the more I'm tempted to do away with my lawn. Shall I, shan't I? Dither, dither...
Great to see your garden with some sunshine and Suki enjoying it too - she is adorable. I love your astilbes, campanulas and heucheras. My lychnis have still no flower spikes; am beginning to wonder if they will ever flower. Not surprise that your students draw/paint your garden - plenty to inspire. Thanks for taking the trouble to put the video together for us to share.
31 Jul, 2012
aww lovely to hear you pixi!-and see you lol, i turned off 'real gardens' to watch a real real one lol. so your not actually sure what that little tree is then-if you find out let me know! i wish i wasnt shy to make a video it would save time writing lol :-))
31 Jul, 2012
lol :)
Well i dithered about it for a good while..sometimes i still miss was only small...but well the garden is full of flowers now and i like it.
SO glad you enjoyed it! and thanks for looking :)
31 Jul, 2012
btw-i love your ivy wall and table, i would sit there all the time! :-))
31 Jul, 2012
Me too! Your little tree isn't an olive tree is it?
31 Jul, 2012
Ahh... I have lots of trouble with them links usually Pixi. I didnt this time. just tried the mspix25 thing it worked great. Is the 25 your age ? ;)
31 Jul, 2012
I sit there often Leigh having a coffee and a ciggie wiling away the hours looking at the creation LOL
Its Salix Hakuro nishiki a willow :) Paul told me that!
I dont understand why people have probs with links Pimp..You jsut have to copy and paste it into the search bar..anyway glad you got to see it :) and noooooooo! not 25 hahahaha! My birthday..25/12/?? ;)
31 Jul, 2012
as a beginner i much prefer the easy names lol flamingo shrub! just one coffee and ciggie mean one jar and one pack?? like me lol ;-))
31 Jul, 2012
Thanks so much for the YouTube link Pixi - found it at 2.30 am so couldn't put the sound on(!) but have just watched it all. You've made a nice "sanctuary" garden there: hope you can save the pond - it would be such a shame to lose it. Great to see sweet little Suki and to hear your lovely voice!
1 Aug, 2012
Thanks SHeila :)))))
1 Aug, 2012
You do have a lovely voice, that's true. Didn't realise about copy,paste - thank you.
1 Aug, 2012
noooooooo i sound silly lol :)
Not that much caffeine or nicotine Leigh lol
2 Aug, 2012
Recent posts by pixi25
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- Some good things some not so good
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- Arbroath Abbey pageant ( for Pimp really)
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A tour! I like the view from the table where the new mirror is, and Suki of course. That last overall shot reminded me of Paul's Garden a little bit..So thing must be OK. It does sound blustery Pixi. I went to take a moon pic for you yesterday and got drenched and no picture : (
29 Jul, 2012