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End-of-Spring downunder - rather tattered butterfly sipping on the nectar of the Duranta repens blooms
By Bernieh

14 Nov, 2009
Comments on this photo
Lovely pic Bernieh.... Well done :o)
14 Nov, 2009
Thanks Pipsqueak and TT - this poor butterfly has one wing that is completely tattered but seems able to fly perfectly well.
14 Nov, 2009
Lovely closeup Bernieh love those flowers such a pretty colour.
14 Nov, 2009
Thanks Pansypotter - I have quite a few of these very large shrubs down our long driveway and they're just starting to bloom again ... they add such lovely colour all during summer.
14 Nov, 2009
Keep these coming, we've got to wait until next year before we can start snapping them again.
14 Nov, 2009
Will do TOG - there's butterflies everywhere at the moment.
14 Nov, 2009
Beautiful photo you are lucky to have them we have to wait now till next year :o)
15 Nov, 2009
Brill photo, end of spring for you, beginning of winter nearly for us.
15 Nov, 2009
15 Nov, 2009
Thanks Clarice and BB - yes spring is winding down for us and summer looming!
15 Nov, 2009
What a Beautiful Photo :)
16 Nov, 2009
Thanks Jacque - poor little mite ... felt sorry for it.
16 Nov, 2009
It is sad 2 see their Wings Battered :( But he/she looks so happy sitting there on that Flower :)
16 Nov, 2009
what a lovely Photo
16 Nov, 2009
Beautiful photo!
Do the Duranta repens bloom all year there?
18 Nov, 2009
Really lovely, both butterfly and flower! Gorgeous shade of blue.
18 Nov, 2009
Thanks Pennyfarthing - this shrub has these lovely little flowers ... I think it's to make up for the thorny branches - which are NOT a joy to trim!
20 Nov, 2009
Delonix - yes my duranta blooms on and off all through the year ... they have a time when they just have the berries after the flowers fall off and then they bloom again after that. There's always one or two in bloom somewhere in my garden (I have about six of them).
20 Nov, 2009
It has the same bloom cycle here.
I never realized how widely grown this
shrub/tree was here -- until I started
looking around my neighborhood.
They're everywhere. : > )
21 Nov, 2009
It's the same here Andy - we've even got a few of these at my school .... which seems strange given that they've got rather sharp little thorns on their branches.
21 Nov, 2009
Yes, that is strange...I know some people can get
allergic reactions to this shrub/tree also. I've seen
their little thorns...I'm sure it would not be good to
cut this shurb back without leather gloves.
I've seen Duranta repens as a large tree to
more than 30 feet / 10 meters tall. I think
that may be the safest way to grow it.
21 Nov, 2009
Horrendous job cutting these beauties back - I'm lucky in that mine all grow down the driveway except one ... so they're left to grow and most are now around 4 to 5 metres tall.
21 Nov, 2009
I've heard what a horrible job it is prunning these
shrubs...that's the reason why I don't have one...
even though I love the flowers and yellow berries!
However, with so many around...I can enjoy them
in someone else's yard. : > )
22 Nov, 2009
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This photo is of "Duranta 'Geisha Girl'" in Bernieh's garden
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Great photo Bernieh. The petals are gorgeous with that white edging
14 Nov, 2009