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Griselinia littoralis 'Bantry Bay'
By Spritzhenry

24 Sep, 2009
I've been reorganising the corner bed after the removal of a very old Hebe, and this is the focal point at the back..
Comments on this photo
Thanks, Jac - I wanted an evergreen, so this seemed ideal.
24 Sep, 2009
Think you have just restored my faith in this plant - all I ever see here is the green variety this is lovely and makes such a refreshing change .
24 Sep, 2009
Thanks, Bb...I didn't want a plain green one. I had the choice of that, one with gold edges, or this! No contest. :-))
24 Sep, 2009
Makes nice hedging and clips well but so many seem to forget about them and allow them to grow into unruly trees ..I m currently sawing one back to some form of reasonable height !
24 Sep, 2009
Lovely markings on the foliage
24 Sep, 2009
Bb - the label says 6' - is that wrong, then??
24 Sep, 2009
The green variety been left for many years and grows into branches eventually like laurel going to the garden tomorrow and will take some pics of what happens if not clipped ..dont know if it happens to this variety but can never understand why people say help my conifer now 40 foot tall ..not like they grow over night is it ? lol
24 Sep, 2009
Right - thanks -I'll keep an eye on it and trim it to shape. When is the best time of year to do it? Not for some years, I realise! LOL.
24 Sep, 2009
The green variety pretty bomb proof clipped sawn cut with hedge trimmers so this time of year I do most hedges to stay neat over winter and reduce snow collection on them if we get a bad one .. glad I did that last year lol
24 Sep, 2009
It's a one-off. I won't be planting a hedge! LOL.
Luckily, we don't get much snow...fingers crossed! That's with being near the coast. It drops on the inland hills. :-))
24 Sep, 2009
We dont usually either and frosts miss us too due to salt air sorry chatting here will get to your Italy blog not many happy memories of Italy for me ..will save for another night you wouldnt believe it anyway lol ..
24 Sep, 2009
I would! Why shouldn't I?? :-))
24 Sep, 2009
My only visit was in early 70s as cholera epidemic broke .. could only happen to me lol wouldnt allow from one district to another without another injection ..6 injections and arm the size of a rugby players thighs later ..
24 Sep, 2009
You poor thing! CHOLERA!!! I don't remember all that, which surprises me, as we've been going to Italy for years, now. Which part of Italy was it?
25 Sep, 2009
I have 3 Griselinia Barbara , I love them they are so easy to keep in shape and being evergreen look good in the winter as well , I have one varigated and two plain ..
My book tells me that they are slightly tender and are subject to frost damage , I haven't had any problems with the frost , maybe it's because our winters are milder ........
25 Sep, 2009
Well, this one is tucked at the back of a sheltered bed, facing west - so fingers crossed! I did know they could be a little tender, Amy, but I'm hoping.....:-))
25 Sep, 2009
Sorry Spritz answer to you question it was Southern Italy and of course spread Palermo and Naples especially were badly affected .1973
So concerned that Italians refused to recognise travellers having had injections in other districts so insisted you had another ..may be not as many as 6 but had a few .
Travelled on one of those cheap student rail cards with a friend we werent allowed off train in any other country not that we wanted too in Bulgaria and Romania at the time .. so pretty pointless really lol
Back to griselinia maybe our salt air stops hard frosts but they survive well here ..yes Amy agree they do clip well.Very widely planted as hedging here so nice to see the variegated one .
26 Sep, 2009
I've got 2 variegated Griselinia and 2 labels, one for 'Bantry Bay' and one for'Limelight' but I don't know which is which! One seems a bit more yellow than the other but difficult to tell as one in front garden and one in the back. Sometimes they get slight blackening of the tips from frost but it doesn't harm them. I also have 2 green ones which I keep trimmed and another spindly green one (a 'bargain' from the GC) which, as an experiment, I am trying to grow as a small tree. I only bought it this year and it's already taller than me on a single stem. If it works, an evergreen tree will be lovely. As you can tell, I love them!!
26 Sep, 2009
Barbara, I have 3 pics of one of mine in my photos, one titled 'red and yellow border' showing it next to Dahlia Bishop of llandaff. There are two showing close ups of the leaves, one titled 'Griselinia with lobelia'and another titled 'Painted Lady Butterfly'. Do you think this one is 'Bantry Bay'?
26 Sep, 2009
I've commented very unhelpfully, Lily - sorry! When I chose mine, 'Bantry Bay' was a lot more cream than the others. Maybe that will help??
26 Sep, 2009
Thanks B, I doesn't really matter which is which, the leaves on both plants are so variable anyway. My new RHS Encycopedia of Plants doesn't mention either variety! This shrub well deserves it's place as a focal point in your garden and from what Bb says it seems as if my 'tree' idea might work! :o)
27 Sep, 2009
I do hope so - it sounds like a very good idea, Lily. Make sure you take photos of its development! That would make a great blog in the future. :-))
27 Sep, 2009
What a good idea, why do I never think to do this? Shame I didn't get one of it as a spindly thing.. Must learn to think ahead and think "blog", I'll go and do it now!!
27 Sep, 2009
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This is Lovely :)
24 Sep, 2009