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Golden Hellebore
By Janey
- 4 Feb, 2020
Comments on this photo
Love the colour of this Hellebore......
4 Feb, 2020
Yes, it's not the strongest grower and has a brown spot problem, but I'm always pleased to see it...
4 Feb, 2020
Gorgeous warm colour - love it!
4 Feb, 2020
Thanks Sheila..
4 Feb, 2020
that is pretty.
4 Feb, 2020
I have similar issues with my yellow ones Janey. They don’t seem to be as robust as the other coloured x Orientalis.
5 Feb, 2020
A very pretty flower! :)
5 Feb, 2020
Thank you everyone, no I don't think they are Karen, it looks like a type of blight. They have a different growth habit, more upright...
5 Feb, 2020
Yes, that’s also true. They are very upright.
5 Feb, 2020
And nice bright green leaves too..
5 Feb, 2020
One of my two has leaves that would definitely pass as Golden. :)
5 Feb, 2020
Yes, mines the same. I wish I could remember it's name.
5 Feb, 2020
Mine's an Ashwood. Think its just Ashwood yellow with red centre or somesuch. :) Their names are very utilitarian!
5 Feb, 2020
Its a pretty colour Janey ,shame it has problem but it still gives off a nice show ...
6 Feb, 2020
What a stunner love the colour.
6 Feb, 2020
Yes this is it too Karen, red centre.
Yes it does Amy, especially when there's not a lot of other flowers around...:))
Thank you Thrup, and the flowers look out instead of down which is a bonus!
7 Feb, 2020
Yes it is I did notice . I said to my daughter the other day Hellebors should be in raised beds so you can see them lol.
7 Feb, 2020
What a beauty!
10 Feb, 2020
That's a very good idea Thrup...they are very graceful plants with their hanging bells and in my village is a small garden much higher than the path, full of Spring flowering plants including hellebores, it's a treat to see. I'll take a photograph and post it...:))
Thank you Aleyna, lots more flowers on the way..:))
10 Feb, 2020
Thank you Janey I shall look forward to seeing your photo.
10 Feb, 2020
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That’s a nice one Janey!
4 Feb, 2020