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Pseudopanax Gecko Gold...
By Dottydaisy2
- 22 Mar, 2014
A NZ plant, a new variety, rather like these plants shiny variegated leaves and of course evergreen.
Comments on this photo
Yes Klahanie unfortunately they are......we have been very lucky so far with ours.
22 Mar, 2014
That looks so much like a house plant. You are very dedicated looking after all these tender beauties! :))
22 Mar, 2014
I am a sucker for a NZ plant, drawn to them.......
22 Mar, 2014
How interesting! have you been to NZ?
22 Mar, 2014
DD - have you seen pseudopanax ferox? I think it's more a bloke's plant!!
22 Mar, 2014
Very nice foliage , I would love more like this but wouldn't have the room in the winter .......
23 Mar, 2014
Amy they are all planted in the garden, this one will go in when the frosts have passed!! Andrew I picked one up, to buy, have been after one for ages, they had about 20 for sale, but, they had taken the tops out of them,!! ruined the plant to my eye, and only £6.00, I love them but OH cannot take to it, although he would not mind me having one....
Karen I have not been to NZ, just love their native plants, so many beauties.
23 Mar, 2014
I've not heard of this one Dotty ! Does it flower ?
23 Mar, 2014
If they have I have not noticed them Rose.....
24 Mar, 2014
I'll take that as a no, then Dotty ! lol
25 Mar, 2014
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This photo is of "Pseudopanax Gecko Gold..." in Dottydaisy2's garden
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Attractive plant. Are they frost tender?
22 Mar, 2014