Nest building in progress
By plantoholic
Spring in in the air, I spotted a Great tit today removing the moss from the lawn for me
It then flew off to a hole in the wall i’ve been meaning to fill
2 jobs off the to do list :-0))
27 Mar, 2011
Previous post: Daphne odora aureomarginata
Next post: Lunch time at the bird table.
Your intuition (and not procrastination) must have been in high gear....knowing the tit would need just that space :)
I don't have any of that species of bird here to my knowledge but the wood pigeons (at least 2 pairs) and I think a blackbird or robin have returned to the large hawthorn bush that is at the back of the garden. I think they must use last year's nests as I've not seen them gathering anything for nestbuilding but they clearly go in there regularly to roost.
I hope you get to see the fledglings and that the nest will be safe from predators.
27 Mar, 2011
That's a wonderful set of pics ... I love the way they choose where to build a nest ... sadly I think the Bluetits have vacated the birdbox in our garden. : o (((
27 Mar, 2011
Lovely set of pics, we have lots of tits here but at the moment they are using pampas grass and the feathered seed heads from my clematis, I`d appreciate it if they were to take the moss from my lawn first,lol.....
27 Mar, 2011
How wonderful you managed to notice and capture this lovely blog.
27 Mar, 2011
Good job you didn't fill that hole :)
28 Mar, 2011
Lucky you.......
3 Apr, 2011
Great birdwatching Plantaholic.
Lincslass, perhaps you should have put up a notice "Lawn moss free, collection only!"
14 May, 2011
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well spotted!! lovely to see them doing this, hope you will see the babies fledging too.
the birds seem to be very busy round here but i havent seen them collect moss ~ yet!
27 Mar, 2011