By ponty
Last Summer, I surprised a family of Red-legged Partridge, Mum, Dad and seven chicks, in my front garden. It came as a bit of a surprise to me, too! I had, earlier in the year, photographed (photo posted Oct 13th) one of two adults who occasionally visited my patio and later realised that the family of nine had apparently settled down in my orchard. I did not see them for some time, though. They are shy birds which scoot very rapidly when disturbed. Since the snow arrived, however, six of the gang have been visiting daily, searching for food around the bird table and from box lids which I place on top of the snow. Six out of nine is a pretty good survival rate considering that the nearby fields have been shooting ranges since August!
The following photos show three of them. The others were out of shot.
I also have some new visitors who I have not seen in my garden before the snowfall – four Long-tailed Tits. I was delighted that my camera caught one in flight!
12 Jan, 2010
More blog posts by ponty
I love the little long-tailed tits, Ponty - I think they're my favourite bird. They always go around in groups - sometimes as many as 7 or 8 at once!
Partridges? No - not here, although we do occasionally get pheasants walking boldly in!
By the way - you can delete the other two identical blogs.
12 Jan, 2010
I like this as much as the other one lol:-)
12 Jan, 2010
Senior moment or what? The blog did not seem to be ‘sending’ and then I received a Goy “error –try again” message – so I did. Doh! Thank you all for the tip.
The snow certainly is bringing them in Tulsa! Pheasant, Partridge – even my woodpecker has been spiking through the snow. It’s great! No Fieldfare here though, more’s the pity.
The L-t T’s are little beauties Spritz. I would welcome a few more.
Thanks for persevering Bornagain. I PM’d you before I saw this message and deleted the superfluous ones. It’s not my day. Perhaps I should go back to bed! :-))
12 Jan, 2010
Lovely photo`s Ponty,good timing with your camera ,that Partridge family know a good home when they find one and are safer in your orchard......
I had a very excited daughter on the phone yesterday to tell me she had a Fieldfare and a group of Redwings in and around her Magnolia tree, its the first time she`d ever seen any Redwings anywhere near her garden,so obviously they were looking for food as well.........
12 Jan, 2010
Thanks Lincslass. Good fortune with the in-flight Tit, more likely - and the Partridge generally scatter when I stand at the window. Another Fieldfare! It IS their time of year, of course. I've had a sudden thought! (Oh, the pain!) I have a few Thrush regulars and they have similar breast speckling. I have not looked at them too closely lately. I will have to put the binoculars on them tomorrow. One never knows!! Definitely no Redwing though.
12 Jan, 2010
It wasn't just you, Ponty - Gee has three identical blogs and I tried and tried to 'publish' one this evening - like you, I got that message, and then found that they had all published after all! So you nearly had four of them to read!
I've sent a message to Peter& Ajay to tell them there's a fault on the system.
I wish the Redwings and Fieldfares would come here - Louise had them in her garden in North Somerset, so they're not far away.
12 Jan, 2010
We had six wee partidges in the garden this morning. They were nibbling at the grass/roots under the big sycamore in the front garden. I got one pic but when they saw me they flew away..:o( Your pics are brilliant..thank you posting them. We don't get long tailed tits ..too far from their village haunt...I am dead jealous.
12 Jan, 2010
We have one regular pheasant called Fred Ponty .. but we haven't had any partridges I'm so glad they escaped the ' shoot ' I love the markings on them .....
12 Jan, 2010
lovely pics, nice birds, lucky you ;o)
13 Jan, 2010
Relieved it was not my fault Spritz. I thought senility was setting in!
I'll be keeping an eye on my six Treeman, hoping to get them all in the frame together. They do have great markings Amy. Quite distinct from the Grey variety. Thanks Sandra. I do count myself lucky with"my" birds. My neighbour (Gertie on Goy) has had a sparrowhawk in her garden but I have not seen it. She is only 2 doors away so I am lucky there, too!
13 Jan, 2010
Liked your blog and photos.
13 Jan, 2010
Glad your partridge family turned to you in their hour of need !
16 Jan, 2010
Thanks Clarice.
They are in every day, now Ray. I think they have settled in the 'jungle' that remains part of my 'orchard' which is separated from my rear garden by a long Laurel hedge!
17 Jan, 2010
At least they are safe from the shooting....
17 Jan, 2010
I think the season has ended now, Ray. So they should be safe until next August!
19 Jan, 2010
Thank goodness !
20 Jan, 2010
Nearly August again ..... any sightings this year ??
22 Jul, 2010
Yes, B8. Two still come in regularly. Whether or not they are from the original family is not possible to tell but I assume that they are. I used to have two cock pheasants who often came together but this year one cock appeared with TWO hens for a week but he evidently settled down with one of them and they have been coming in together ever since. On one occasion, both partridge and the two pheasants came in together. Unfortunately, I was unable to photograph that episode but I will, perhaps, post some more up to date photos.
23 Jul, 2010
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Lovely pics Ponty you are lucky to get partridges in your garden.At the moment i've got a pair of Field fare that i've never had before It's got to be the bad weather bringing the different birds in ,don't you think ?
Such a good blog you sent it three times. ;-)) LOL
12 Jan, 2010