"Before and after"
By popeymike
Hi everybody- its about time I joined in on this blogging malarky! After reading blog entries from members starting from scratch I decided to root through some old photo’s to see if I had any when I started my garden 18 years ago and I managed to turn up a couple. They are posted on my page if anyone is interested. I only wish I’d kept a proper log of how the garden has evolved as you quickly forget what you started with.
Best wishes
22 Jun, 2008
Next post: Hodgeheg
If i'd taken any photo's of my garden when i moved in, well you could not see it for rubbish, it took 2 big skips to clear it, there was every thing in it including a kitchen sink,pity it was'nt an old pot sink.
22 Jun, 2008
Nice to hear you officially so to speak , Mike.Trying to think how many times moved in 18 years - reckon 4 but sure I missed one.So done a few gardens in that time.Been carrying an old pot sink round for years Clarice - ever tried to lift one well of course not - but I have good grief! Will plant it up here now got somewhere to show it off.It wont be moving then.Looking forward to hearing more from you Mike.
22 Jun, 2008
My garden when we first moved here was all grass and a little flower bed that was no more than three inches wide ,well it might have been a bit wider but not by much The people how owned it before us were no gardeners so I had a lot of work ,still at it 20 years later ,but thats the joys of gardening Would have been nice to have some record of the progress through the years.
22 Jun, 2008
Being a new house there was about 1/2 inch of topsoil on builders rubble. There wasn't a worm in sight but its amazing how plants will establish and the yearly process of dying back and falling leaves gradually improves the soil naturally- I haven't brought a great deal in. I home composted from the start and used leaf mold from the 2 existing hawthorn trees (the only things in the garden besides grass.) It does look a lot bigger though when it was bare!
22 Jun, 2008
I really enjoyed seeing your before and after photos Popeymike. Isn't time just amazing in the garden.
22 Jun, 2008
Hi Mike,
Welcome to the Blogclub!
Great to see your photos and see the changes and progress over time.
Best wishes,
Grenville and Alan.
22 Jun, 2008
If only we improved with age like our gardens!!!!
23 Jun, 2008
Ah, but who says we haven't improved. Age is a state of mind. 50 is a wonderful place to be. (Happy belated b-day by the way)
25 Jun, 2008
Thank you- you're dead right- I feel quite comfortable in my skin and positive about the future -"what's not to like"? as you say in the US.
25 Jun, 2008
Recent posts by popeymike
- Bluebell walk
23 May, 2010
- More Permaculture
14 Apr, 2010
- Pernaculture- a re-visit
15 Feb, 2010
- More snow............the cats like it anyway!
2 Jan, 2010
- A winter's walk
29 Dec, 2009
- Flowers on Christmas day
27 Dec, 2009
I know, Mike. I am disappointed that I didn't take 'before' photos when we first moved here. You do easily forget what things were like before you worked on them, don't you. That's why we do record 'projects' and 'progress' now - and it's great to look back even a year.
22 Jun, 2008