What's wrong with my tomato plants?
By Stu
United Kingdom
Does anyone know what might have happened to the growing tip of my tomato plants?
They are Gardener's Delight and are growing in a mixture of multi purpose compost and my own (year old) compost. I have used my own compost many times with no problems. I have a bed of runner beans (in the garden) that have a great deal of my own compost added to the soil and they are thriving. I just can't understand what has happened to them, this has never happened before and I have grown them in a similar mixture each year.

19 Jun, 2009
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Hell Bertie,
To answer your questions:-
Definately not frost damage.
I very much doubt slug or snail damage.
Definately hadn't kept them in a small pot for too long.
They are not making any growth at all now! Unfortunately there are no side shoots I can use.
Hot sun . . . . I did wonder about that myself but it has never happened before.
I just don't know & you might be right when you say get new plants!
Brian (Stu)
19 Jun, 2009
did you buy manure that has been affected with herbicide. this was a major problem last year and it causes this sort of distortion. there was a big who-har about it. check on the rhs website as it will carry pictures too.
the plant will only produce a few trusses of fruit sadly.
19 Jun, 2009
did you buy manure that has been affected with herbicide . . . . no I didn't !
I think the only answer is to throw the plants away.
I will look on the RHS site.
19 Jun, 2009
did you use your normal brand of planting compost? some companies have added contaminated products. its a bit grim isnt it.
i think you may have to get some new plants Stu.
19 Jun, 2009
I used the same compost not only for these tomato plants but for everything else, but it's only the tomato that have been affected !
19 Jun, 2009
tomatoes like to be watered at regular times, it could be an inconsistancy in the time of day that you are watering them, pick the evening or morning and stick to it, don't let them dry out for too long, the plants will like the routine, :-)
19 Jun, 2009
I agree.The compost thing is a major issue. There are many out there. Weirdly there have been reports of Mp compost being contaminated with a plant reducing trace compound. Lots of water. make sure the light is right. Pinch out some leaves.
Good luck
19 Jun, 2009
the herbicide affects potatoes but not cougettes apparently. i think it is called amino-pryamide.
what is Mp short for? am i being a bit thick?
19 Jun, 2009
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Something similar has happened to one or two of my plants in the past. Is this all of them or just one or two?
My suggestions would be:
1. frost damage but it's too late for that!
2. They've been in hot sun shining through the greenhouse glass?
3. Slug or snail damage to the growing tip?
4. They look as if they've made fruit trusses on a very small plant with little evidence of leaf. Did you keep them in a small pot for far too long?
If they are making good growth in general, I'd just treat one of the sideshoots as the main stem, although if you can still get new plants it's probably better to do that.
19 Jun, 2009