Agapanthus - one flowers, one doesn't!
By Littleskoonz
United Kingdom
I have two identical pots of a pale agapanthus (possibly Blue Ice), potted up at least 10 years ago. They sit either side of a S/SE facing door in Bath. They have both flowered in the past, though not brilliantly but last year and this, one pot has 3 blooms, the other has none. The foliage looks fine. Where am I going wrong? If they need to be more pot-bound how am I going to succeed with Ag. Navy Blue which I'd planned to put in a border?! Any advice gratefully received...
10 Jul, 2009
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The mysteries of the gardening world! Tomato food might help for next year.
10 Jul, 2009
Don't use tomato food for flowering plants - far better IMO to Phostrogen and STIR well.
There's nothing complicated about Agapanthus. They do need consistently high ground and air tempertures to encourage best flowering and the easiest way to get that is to grow in pots under glass so when they go out in your garden they're 'up and running'.
They also need good light but you haven't mentioned in your profile whether you live in Plymouth or Lerwick which would be a big help.....
They also prefer acidic soil.
10 Jul, 2009
i planted most of mine out a few years ago. they definately prefere it in the ground. i was very worried this winter when they were covered with snow for a few days in january but they are all flowering fine now. ;-))
10 Jul, 2009
Yes, so are mine, all three of them, in fair, not great, soil, not even in full sun, and largely ignored, not even fed this year!
10 Jul, 2009
mine are the same Bamboo. poor soil but well drained with afternoon sun.
10 Jul, 2009
i too am struggling, i have one ag and it flowers well, this year it has doubled in leaf making an extra plant but no flower although the leaves look so healthy, very frustrating!
11 Jul, 2009
We had a visitor from Australia who was despairing about the rampant spread of Agapanthus there, it's practically a weed! One gardeners choice plant is anothers weed!!
15 Jul, 2009
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Ah Bath, lovely place, one of my sons lives there.
Agapanthus, I find, can be a moody beast, particularly in pots. I've found it seems to flower better in the garden than it does in pots. You don't say how long they've been in their pots, or what you're feeding with, but there's either something different about the plant that hasn't flowered, or something different about the environment its in compared to the other one. Does it get more or less sun? Is it possible it dries out more because it gets more sun? Does it get less sun and that means it sulks?
10 Jul, 2009