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Derbyshire, United Kingdom

Well, my tomatoes are starting to go red now ! However, I am finding that many of them are being eaten !!!! before we can get to them !!! There are tiny black 'droppings' near to them so poss caterpillars. .. might not be the only culprits ! What can I do ?



Do you have mice around?

22 Aug, 2009


we have just founid one in the conservatory ! the toms are in the greenhouse. The black 'bits remind me of caterpillar 'dirt' !

22 Aug, 2009


Not much you can do but hand pick off the caterpillars and dispose of as you like (usual neighbouring filed gets mine) and if its mice, then i wouldnt know! Traps are a bit cruel.
Could be bird pecking at them but a bit unlikely if they are in the g house

I have caught the dog pinching them off the plants today! She doesn't eat them, just pulls off and nibbles. Thats Lettuce and tomatoes that she noweats when my back is turned! Lettuces down to a stump!

22 Aug, 2009


And they say cats vandalise the garden lol

22 Aug, 2009


I used to work on a mushroom farm Nicky & the spaniel there used to sneak into the polytunnel & pinch the 'shrooms off the beds...we used to think we had rats until we saw him do it!

My toms are being nibbled by slugs Sugarbevs...don't think they leave black deposits tho'!

22 Aug, 2009


Hi fluff. My thoughts are caterpillars and slugs ! Would you kill the slugs ? We seem to have a lot around the place ! ps we have a gorgeous spaniel too..will keep an eye on him. He seems to like every other type of 'human ' food ! Pity he doesn't like caterpillars and slugs Ughhh !

22 Aug, 2009


Well everyone's views on slug removal are different on Goy Sugar so I'm not going to suggest you kill them but I would say keep a sharp eye out & gather any up & 'relocate' them! Try late in the evening...they're party animals!

22 Aug, 2009


Love it ! Love your sense of humour ! Visions of drunk, boogeying slugs with an 'arm' around another partying into the night ! Garden lights flashing !Well, there's a nightclub in the next village/town. Relocation to there might be the cure !

22 Aug, 2009


Hey hey!! Sounds like a plan... print out some fliers & leave around the garden...the snails might go with them! ;0)

22 Aug, 2009


They will leave a trail !! Everyone will follow ! bit like breadcrumbs in Hansel n Gretel ! Lovin it ! Absolutely lovin it. On the case right now Serg !!

22 Aug, 2009

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