How do I get rid of little caterpillars which are devouring my beautiful Lobelia Victoria this year?
By Ipwalsh
The Lobelia Victoria are in their second year- they were STUNNING last year - but this year they are suffering. I seem to have the slug/snail problem under control with used coffee granules, broken egg shells and some organic pellets! But little pesky caterpillars are having a field day and the stems are being stripped. Any advice welcome- have tried the soapy water cure too!
22 Aug, 2009
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If the soapy water didn't work then hand picking is all that I can think of
22 Aug, 2009
Pik&sqidge seems to be the only way.
22 Aug, 2009
I had this problem too so i used a product called Murphy Sevin Dust which kills caterpillers weavils leatherjackets woodlice etc. It comes in a puffer pack and you just give your plant a light dusting of this. I have had no more problems since.
22 Aug, 2009
Re Lobelia Victoria: Thanks for all your help- just administered a dose of 'Pik&sqidge' and feel bad but maybe my plants will feel better! Will check out Murphy Sevin Dust too...
23 Aug, 2009
Only use the Murphy Sevin Dust if you are happy using chemicals in your garden otherwise stick to pick & squidge
23 Aug, 2009
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22 Aug, 2009