By Titchy
United Kingdom
Last year the Hydrangea I inherited in my new house, was covered in blooms (blue),the last owner for 8 months let the garden go, therefore the hydrangea was although full of blooms it was in a dreadful shape (also kept falling over) This Spring, I cut the whole bush back (blooms were still on it) I am sure it was the correct time and that I cut it correctly.It is now a beautiful shape but only had 4 blooms, (2 pink/2 blues. What did I do wrong?
23 Aug, 2009
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You pruned off the stems which would have flowered this year....
24 Aug, 2009
What Motinot means is, Hydrangea is one of the many plants that will only flower on last year's new growth. After the flowers have died that is the time you should do any pruning because that then lets the plant put up new growth which will produce flowers next year.
24 Aug, 2009
Thank you for info, though I did not cut the shrub down to the bottom but left som new grows on, also I seem to have done the cutting back at the correct time, and left the finished blooms on until I got down to cut back. I dont seem to be any wiser
24 Aug, 2009
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nothing is the answer really, give an iron tonic, something like sequestrine will help the blue colour. You pruned it hard and thats why you have fewer blooms but it will be fine next year.
23 Aug, 2009