Is there a fuschia called Loopy something?
By Rookie
United Kingdom
It is a tiny leafed fuschia with tiny cerise flowers, very sweet, but I want to know if it is hardy.
6 Sep, 2009
It might be an encliandra....they are in the fuchsia family and relatively hardy..with tiny leaves...mayby Lotty Hobbit?...good luck!!
6 Sep, 2009
I have a fuchsia with tiny leaves and flowers as well. It grows up each year quite tall and bushy. It has exquisite little pink blooms that the bees love, and in autumn it produces little black berries which glisten in the sunlight. This is the 3rd plant as I lost the first 2 in their first winters. I mulch this one well in the autumn and so far it's been going for 4 years. I leave the top growth until warmer weather in spring and then cut to the ground. It's in a north-facing situation, and last winter was quite hard but it has survived to delight me again this year!
6 Sep, 2009
That def sounds like an encliandra...they are lovely:))
7 Sep, 2009
Ive just uploaded a pic of my tiny pink fuchsia, is it similar?
sorry the picture is rubbish am not very good at photography
x x x
7 Sep, 2009
is it lottie? I have one of these very small flowered forms and its either lottie or charlotte. cant remember of the top of my head.
7 Sep, 2009
ooh sounds lovely
ive got a tiny pale pink flowered fuchsia
unfortunatly I dont know its name. Ive borrowed some books of fuchsias and the closest Ive found is "Loeky"
good luck with your quest
x x x
6 Sep, 2009