Late Summer Fuchsias
By hywel
Many of the Fuchsias in my collection have flowered late this year, and some of them haven’t even flowered at all … not even a bud :(
However, even though lots are not flowering at all, the others have had some good flushes of flowers …
… so I’ll show you the ones that flowered in August and September …
Swanley Pendula is orange and has big leaves that remind me of a Hydrangea :-
I have a few orange ones, heres another …
Mary Poppins :-
Orange Crush, looking decidedly pink :-
Snow White has long arching stems and loads of flowers.
It really belongs to Beryl because it’s she who bought it many years ago :-
More white ones ….
Midwinter :-
Rather similar, but with a violet tinge not visible in the photos …
Carla Johnston :-
White Spider :-
There are lots of spiders in my garden …
Here’s Red Spider :-
Another lovely red one, with big double flowers is Welsh Dragon :-
I like the blues and mauves myself.
Here are more big doubles in those colours …
Lady in Grey :-
Brookwood Joy :-
Blue Mirage :-
Hulshorst Longhorn :-
Olive Sukyer, and a bee :-
The next ones are hardy double/semi doubles, and are easy to grow outside in the ground …
Lena :-
General Monk :-
Army Nurse :-
Delta’s Sarah :-
I am very fond of the single flowers. They are so simple and elegant …
Hidcote Beauty :-
Lady Kathleen Spence :-
Leonora :-
Mingling – Leonora and Ja Di Messingtetra :-
Preston Guild :-
Another mingle – Preston Guild and Albertina :-
Earrebarre :-
Land Van Beveren :-
Maria Landy :-
Crosby Soroptimist :-
Deb Ron’s Beau Dean Richard :-
Some varieties with long tubes …
Vincent Van Gough :-
Maetsukyer :-
Walz Doedelzak :-
Some Fuchsias belong to a group called Encliandra, and they have tiny flowers.
I’ve got a few of them but this is the only one that flowered this year …
Isis Lemoine :-
Well that’s less than half of them, but I hope you’ve enjoyed looking at my Fuchsias this year. I hope the ones that took a year out will flower in 2018 so that I can show some different ones :)
2 Oct, 2017
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I kept choosing a favourite and then changing my mind - its impossiible! I love the mingle with Preston Guild and Albertina..and Earebarre...and...Maetsukyer...
Hywel how can you say your garden hasn't done well this year?
2 Oct, 2017
these are lovely Hywel.
I must apologise, I have found the direma I promised you in the back of the cold frame. I will get them to you later this week.
2 Oct, 2017
I couldn't choose a favourite either although I do prefer the pastel shades, I think if I had to it would be between Snow White and White Spider...Saying that they are all lovely Hywel..
2 Oct, 2017
Thank you all for looking at my plants.
I have no favourite either -
if I see one I like, I buy it. If I don't, I don't.
Thank you SBG. I must also apologise. The seeds I promised you of the Aquilegia never came to anything. I hope it sets seeds next year and then I'll save them for you.
Steragram, my garden has not done as well as usual. Everything seems to have produced lots of lanky shoots and leaves.
2 Oct, 2017
All beauties in their own right Hywel. Large or small, all little works of art. When I lived in Tenerife they were known as "pendientes de la Reina" or the Queen's earrings.
3 Oct, 2017
Beautiful, Hywel, as always! They are all so pretty that I can quite understand why you have no firm favourite!
As I've commented over the summer I was given some half standard Fuchsias by my friend Dick from church. 4 or 5 still survive but 2 plants died amongst them was the only named Fuchsia which was a great shame.
None of the survivors has looked very happy but at least they are still alive. I hope that if I can keep them alive over the winter that they might do better next year. I did try to take some cuttings but they all died so if the standards die I will have no more Fuchsias for next year. ?
My own plants from cuttings that survived last winter have done quite well especially the 'Lady Boothby' cutting which is well over 6ft high & has reached the ceiling of the balcony!
3 Oct, 2017
Love !love ! everyone of them and they all have such wonderful names .
4 Oct, 2017
All your Fuchsias are fabulous Hywel. I couldn't really pick one (or even two) I prefer to the others.
4 Oct, 2017
Fantastic collection you have Hywel all stunning in their own way you ve got a good eye for pickibg beauties.
4 Oct, 2017
Wow love them all. Your collection is fantastic:-).
5 Oct, 2017
Thank you all for your comments.
I hope your Fuchsias come through the winter Balcony. I've never had Lady Boothby to get that tall :O
6 Oct, 2017
Hywel all I can say is that ... everyone is a winner.
8 Oct, 2017
Thank you :)
10 Oct, 2017
I will need to take measures to keep my Fuchsias safe during the winter. I have nowhere that is truly frost proof out on the balcony so the only thing I can do is to wrap them up in newspaper & fleece & put them under the balcony table & perhaps surround the table with some thick polythene I have. Then hope we don't have a hard winter!
Not knowing the names of the Fuchsias I have makes it very difficult to know if they are frost hardy or not. I know 'Beacon' is hardy as is 'Lady Boothby' but the only other named one I had, from Dick, died months ago. I think one of the half standards he gave me maybe 'Beacon' as well. It has been growing all summer alongside 'Beacon' in the strawberry planter & the flowers seem identical - just smaller (as do the leaves).
The other 3 standard Fuchsias he gave me I have no idea what they might be called! One is now putting on its best show for me since Dick gave me it!!!
13 Oct, 2017
Good luck ! I hope they survive for you :)
19 Oct, 2017
This week I have grouped all my Fuchsias together into one place which should make it easier to protect them, but as they say "The proof of the pudding ..."
20 Oct, 2017
I suppose it depends on the severity of the winter. I hope it's mild. Have you covered them or put bubblewrap around the pots ? or will you just keep your fingers crossed and hope for the best ...
20 Oct, 2017
For the time being, I've done nothing more than grouping them all together. In a few weeks time, I will see about giving them more protection.
23 Oct, 2017
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Fuchsia Magellanica 'Versicolor'
£9.00 at Burncoose -
Fuchsia Cordifolia
£11.50 at Burncoose -
Fuchsia Magellanica 'Alba'
£9.00 at Burncoose -
Fuchsia Magellanica 'Variegata'
£9.00 at Burncoose -
Fuchsia Procumbens
£9.50 at Burncoose
Every single one is a stunner Hywel. I wanted to choose a favourite but I just couldn't!!
What a glorious collection of very pretty fuschias.
The pure white ones are very special.
2 Oct, 2017