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Apple trees from pips.

Nottinghamshire, United Kingdom

Holly has grown some apple seedlings from pips, now I know your not supposed to but she has!, What I would like to know is why shouldn't you grow them from seeds? She has 14 tiny little seedlings and she wants to give them to her school. Is this a good idea, will they develop apples or am I potentially harming the kids (not to mention Holly herself)



No reason at all not to grow them from seeds. It is just that what you get may be very disappointing as an apple, more likely to be small and bitter, but you never know. They take about 5 years to get to fruiting size and potentially can be huge trees, but what the heck? Our hedge row has 4 or 5 apple trees in it which have grown from discarded apples.

26 Sep, 2009


Thanks Owdboggy, I thought that but just wanted to make sure. ;~))

26 Sep, 2009


I think it'll b lovely for Holly to see trees grow that she planted from seed. Even if the fruit is small or not tasty - it won't matter. I still think apple trees are very pretty. They look amazing when they flower don't they?
And a great feeling of achievement if she can take some of them to school. Go for it!

26 Sep, 2009


they dont come true, ie they will not be the same as the parent. but that is how breeders get new varieties. you never know it could be a new best seller. but as owdboggy says they could be sour little beggars. they wont hurt the children so dont worry.

26 Sep, 2009


Brill, thats all the encouragement I needed. Her headmaster loves gardening and is always encouraging the kids to get involved. How long will they take to reach a size that will survive the rigors of school kids and how would I keep them overwinter?

26 Sep, 2009


if they are getting kids involved fom any size as they can watch them grow. why not suggest they grow peanuts too then you will find out how they grow. 2 questions sorted in one :o)

26 Sep, 2009


Thats a fantastic idea SBG. Thanks a lot. I feel a visit to the headmasters office coming on.

26 Sep, 2009


how exciting for little Holly
little angel with love that

well done mummy and daddy
x xx

27 Sep, 2009


Thanks Jen. I will have to ask the head before I let her know but I'm sure he will agree. :~))

27 Sep, 2009


def think the head would agree
any person would love for kids to be experiencing something fab like this

fingers crossed

x x x

27 Sep, 2009


Thanks Jen ;~))

27 Sep, 2009


our primary school has just started up a gardening club for kids n parents - brilliant stuff.

29 Sep, 2009


That's a great idea, it should be part of the curriculum.

29 Sep, 2009

How do I say thanks?

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