By Spritzhenry
West Somerset,
Does anyone else have problems with birds pecking their YELLOW violas/pansies? They leave the other colours alone. I am puzzled!
The first photo is just after I planted them, and the second shows what the birds do - every day!
On plant

6 Nov, 2009
Featured on:
pansies and violas
I love birds but they can be such little vandals
6 Nov, 2009
They've pecked my white pansies to pieces Spritz :((
And the blackbirds are constantly rooting around in my pots and turfing out the bulbs....Grrrrr!!
6 Nov, 2009
Yep...always the yellow ones and my polyanthas too....:o(
6 Nov, 2009
I think you will find it's a blackbird, one that has been feeding in your garden all summer. As Pamq says it's also the yellow Crocus.
6 Nov, 2009
Yes, I noticed that last spring! Is there anything at all I can do about it, please? I was thinking that I might have to replace the violas with purple primroses, in the hope that they didn't like purple! lol.
6 Nov, 2009
I used to have the same problem until I bought other colours, I'd like to know why they like yellow. I wonder can birds smell? maybe spray them with Channel 5 or liquefied Garlic. Wouldn't it be awful if Channel 5 did the trick, (S)
6 Nov, 2009
channel might get rid of the birds but how do you get rid of the men it will attrect lol
6 Nov, 2009
It wouldn't attract you if you sprayed it on me, Cliffo - made me smell like cat's wee.
6 Nov, 2009
the birds strip the mahonia too it looks like i have yellow snow under my mahonia. I read some where that yellow flowers attract more insects so more birds as they peck the insects off. I was also told that the yellow flowers tended to produce more nectar, but i dont know if that is true. how to solve it I am not sure. sorry spritz.
6 Nov, 2009
You may not like the idea but how about netting the troughs, I have had a lot of success with it and after a while the birds may get fed up and go next door. Lol.
6 Nov, 2009
You and me both, Wagger! And Spritz, no trouble with yellow violas, but happens all the time with yellow crocus.
6 Nov, 2009
I'm not sure about HOW to fasten netting that would be safe - I'd hate it if a bird got caught in it. The gate is so far from the house - at least 50 yards, and not in view, either. I could try a spray, though - I wonder if animal repellent would work on birds?
6 Nov, 2009
I've grown lots of yellow Pansies & have never noticed the birds doing them any damage. Most years I grow a few yellow pansies on my balcony. Had some creamy yellow Violas last year as well but they were left alone as well.
6 Nov, 2009
Why mine, then? Maybe because the gate trough is further away from humans do you think?
6 Nov, 2009
Years ago when doing a behavioural study of bees one of the experiments I did was with the effect of colour. What I found was that yellow was the 1st colour visited by bees and other flying insects. So it follows that it would be the preffered colour flower for birds to get at for their insectiverous meals.
So it isn't a vendetta Spritz LoL
That's also a reason I won't wear yellow in summer :~))
6 Nov, 2009
Ah! I seem to remember that wasps are attracted to yellow - and we had a yellow picnic set years ago - bad mistake!
So that could be a reason, couldn't it? I reckon - out with the violas, in with the purple primroses!
6 Nov, 2009
Fingers crossed for the primroses. Can't remember now the order of colour preferences let's just hope it wasn't purple 2nd LoL :~))
Tip, blue was the least preferred colour
6 Nov, 2009
I don't think there ARE any blue primroses. Pip????
6 Nov, 2009
LMHO !!!
6 Nov, 2009
Agree, Pipsqueak, I don't wear yellow during August and September, when the wasps are dozy and likely to sting - I remember buying an orange and yellow beach towel (yes, I know, but I was young and didn't know any better). I used it once on holiday - never again, I had every sandfly, wasp, bluebottle and midge in the resort all over it...
7 Nov, 2009
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Hi Spritzh-- I find that they always go for the yellow crocus as well!
6 Nov, 2009